“Designing with Type”
The Rules You will be creating a total of 6 pieces of ARTWORK. You will be limited to a palette of ONLY letters. You must use AT LEAST 2 different letters, BUT ONLY ONE FONT, on each piece of artwork. You can blend, color, filter, distort, stretch, fill, or otherwise mangle your letters in any way that you wish to create your artwork.
TIPS Don’t limit your fonts to the size of the canvas, the canvas is not a border. Think color, size, arrangement and anything else that will help you bring out the theme of your artwork using your letters. Don’t use crazy, weird fonts from urbanfonts.com, let your designs speak for themselves! Get creative, have fun!
Your SIX themes! SCALE: Demonstrate the difference between small things and large things on your canvas. PATTERN: Create a repeating pattern using only your letterforms. CONGESTION: Demonstrate the concept “Congestion,” either the crowded version or the sick version, using your letterforms. TENSION: Demonstrate the concept of “Tension” (Stress) using your letterforms. PLAYFUL: Demonstrate the concept of “Playful” using your letterforms. NEGATIVE/POSITIVE: Show the contrast between white and black using your letters.
Some Samples from Years Gone By: