EEG Biofeedback Background Report Adrian Smith, gte198f Daniel Shinn, gte539f Ken Grove, gte262f ECE Group N1 January 31, 2002
2 What is an EEG? l EEG stands for electroencephalogram l EEG signals are created by measuring the difference in electrical currents across neuron membranes l Electrodes attached to the body pick up these signals l The can be a few electrodes or many
3 EEG signals l Many naturally occurring signals in the human body effect EEG signals l Frequency Analysis helps to separate the different signals
4 Types of EEG signals l EEG signals have been classified into 4 categories: ÄDelta0.3 to 4 Hz uDreamless sleep ÄTheta4 to 8 Hz uAssociated with thoughts which produce dreams ÄAlpha8 to 13 Hz uResult of unfocused thoughts ÄBetaabove 13 Hz uResult of interactions with environment
5 Electrode placement l Electrode placement can effect signals received
6 Related Research l Creating a Brain Computer Interface (BCI) has been a goal for researchers since computers were first introduced l What is necessary: ÄAmplification ÄFiltering ÄClassification ÄControl
7 Related Research (cont.) l Large programs researching BCI’s: ÄWadsworth Center in Albany ÄGraz University of Technology in Austria l Problems facing the programs: ÄData transfer rate ÄEfficiency ÄDifferences between test subjects ÄLearning curve for new users
8 Previous Groups l Produced an amplifier that can output a strong enough signal to process l Created a foundation for a test bed for new work
9 Our Focus l To filter the output of the amplifier to narrow down the signal to the desired frequencies l Digitize the signal l Process the signals to distinguish between them l Interpret signals as commands for controlling a remote control vehicle l Output control commands to remote control vehicle