Website Personalities
Some Questions for You 1.Do you manage the website by yourself? 2.Do you struggle with who to recruit for your website team? 3.Do you have a committee or had a committee that jumped ship? 4.Do you have trouble with consistency on your site? ie. font, colors, structure 5.Do you have difficulty understanding your team members’ varying priorities? 6.Do you have trouble creating interest in your site?
ANALYTICALDRIVERAMIABLEEXPRESSIVE Understanding Communication Styles May Provide Some Answers to these Questions
ANALYTICAL Traits Details, gathers lots of data Facts and logic Methodical Cautious Concerned about accuracy/compliance Focus How does it work? How did you come to that conclusion?
Driver Traits Takes charge Firm, persistent Makes quick decisions Competitive, loves a challenge Imposes high standards Focus What will be done? When will it be done?
Amiable Traits Good listener Warm, patient, cooperative, Loyal, dependable, supportive Approaches risk cautiously Creates non-threatening environment Focus How will this impact people? How will we ensure collaboration?
Expressive Traits Excitable, fun-loving Direct, open, fast-paced Stimulates exchange of ideas Risk-taker, competitive, spirited Futuristic, creative, inspirational Focus How do we get people involved? How can we create excitement/have fun?
It Does Take a Village….. It takes the Expressives to get us excited and get us thinking… So the Analyticals can consider all the details and make good decisions…. So the Amiables can ensure the people are considered and prepared… So the Drivers can get us focused and make sure we get the job done.