How to Keep a Journal
Folders They have to be three-prong folders so you can hole-punch and keep all your assignments inside. You will be assigned a color and number to identify your Journal. Do not write your name on it. Do not draw or write anything on your actual folder. If your folder looks sloppy, you will be required to buy a new one from me.
Assignments Every day when you come in pick up your assignment from “Today’s Work” basket. Hole-punch all you assignments and put them in your folder immediately. Make sure that your assignments are in the same order as you assignment log. Number every assignment with the correct number according to the assignment log.
Journal Entries You will right your journal entry everyday at the beginning of class. You will write: –Date –Today’s Activity –Quote or Science Fact of the Day
Journal Entry Example Date:_________________________ Today:_________________________________ _______________________________________ Science Fact or Quote: ____________________ _______________________________________ 8/23 Disclosure How to Keep a Journal The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of them. -Linus Pauling H.W.-sign disclosure, lab fee, internet agreement
Personal Reflection At the end of each two week period you will write a reflection on what you have learned or not learned in class. You can also write about what you have liked or not liked. You can be very honest but don’t be mean. · Fill out the space provided.
Assignment Log Lists all assignments that we will do in a two week period. Use this to keep track of assignments you have completed. I will use the log to record your grade when I correct your Journal.