AIAA Structures Technical Committee Strategic Planning Draft Recommendations January 3,
Q1: Do you think we should change the current STRTC mission statement as written below? If yes, please suggest modifications. “The STRTC's mission is to further the development and application of theory, experiment and operation in creative design of aerospace structures by continuing assessment of current and future requirements in structures technology, including environment and loads definition, utilization of advanced materials and fabrication processes, innovative structural configurations, determination of structural integrity by analysis and test, weight/reliability/life cycle consideration, and adaptive structures.” 2 71% 29%
“The STRTC's mission is to further the development and application of theory, experiment and operation in creative design of aerospace structures by continuing assessment of current and future requirements in structures technology, including environment and loads definition, utilization of advanced materials and fabrication processes, innovative structural configurations, determination of structural integrity by analysis and test, weight/reliability/life cycle consideration, and adaptive structures.” 3 Mission Statement Change Recommendations Improve verb structure, be more concise Modify “theory…design” to include modeling and simulation / manufacturing Shorten/eliminate laundry list at end Requirements? Education?
4 New Mission Statement Draft Recommendation The STRTC’s mission is to further the development and application of theory, experiment and modeling and simulation for design, manufacturing and certification of aerospace structural systems. Through continual advancement of current and future workforce knowledge, we seek to meet the aerospace structures capability needs and to advance the state of the art in structures research, technology, engineering, operations and policy to benefit our global society. The STRTC's mission is to further the development and application of theory, experiment and operation in creative design of aerospace structures by continuing assessment of current and future requirements in structures technology, including environment and loads definition, utilization of advanced materials and fabrication processes, innovative structural configurations, determination of structural integrity by analysis and test, weight/reliability/life cycle consideration, and adaptive structures.” Proposed Current
Q2: Would you change the current goals of the STRTC as written below? If yes, please suggest changes.“The three major goals of the AIAA Structures Technical Committee are:G1: Serve as a focal point for new developments in aerospace structuresG2: Develop and deploy innovative approaches for rapid dissemination of technical information to professionalsG3: Help in identifying future directions of research in support of aerospace systems.” 5 53% 47%
“The three major goals of the AIAA Structures Technical Committee are: G1: Serve as a focal point for new developments in aerospace structures G2: Develop and deploy innovative approaches for rapid dissemination of technical information to professionals G3: Help in identifying future directions of research in support of aerospace systems.” 6 GOAL Statement Change Recommendations Goal 1 – “Focal Point” too vague, out of our control Education? Accreditation standards? Students? Modify Goal 3 to be more proactive – “Identify and Promote” plan conference sessions around future directions and evaluate impact
“The three major goals of the AIAA Structures Technical Committee are: G1: Serve as a focal point for new developments in aerospace structures G2: Develop and deploy innovative approaches for rapid dissemination of technical information to professionals G3: Help in identifying future directions of research in support of aerospace systems.” 7 GOAL Statement Draft Recommendations “The three major goals of the AIAA Structures Technical Committee are: G1: Rapidly disseminate technical information to our professionals and students to accelerate development of aerospace structural systems. G2: Promote on-going education of the current and future workforce. G3: Identify new areas of research and emerging structures technology and foster their development and infusion.” Proposed Current
Q3: Focusing on the next ten years, what do you think should be the objectives of STRTC? Rank them from 1 to …. 8 Organizing SDM at SciTech Continuing Education STEM Outreach Increasing Membership Future Research Directions Standards and best Practices Comm. TC Value Recognize Excellence Network w/ other Prof. Orgs. Other
Activities Mapped To Goals - Draft 9 G1: Rapidly disseminate technical information to our professionals and students to accelerate development of aerospace structural systems. G2: Promote on-going education of the current and future workforce. G3: Identify new areas of research and emerging structures technology and foster their development and infusion.”
Q5: To promote new developments and emerging research areas in structural systems, what new subcommittees would you recommend? Weighted Average Additive Manufacturing Acceleration of Certification ICME BIo-Inspired Structures Multifunctional Structures
Q6: In view of changing communications technology, how should the STRTC exploit virtual meetings and other modes of information dissemination to reach a wider audience more frequently? Comment 11
Q10: If not covered already, please provide any other feedback or comments you wish to offer to the strategic planning committee. 12
13 AIAA Mission STRTC Mission STRTC Goals Activities Members What? Why? Who? Value/Outcomes Value Mentoring Networking Recognition
What is a Strategic Plan? Captures mission and vision Captures strategies or initiatives in place to achieve the vision High level document – very concise 2 to 5 year outlook, updated annually 14 Steven G. Russell, TC Chair Thursday September 11, 2014
Summary 15 Strategic survey response was good, ~30 respondents Summary results presented at mid-year meeting, June 2, 2015 Draft mission statement and goals proposed today Will mail our draft recommendations and re-consider on Tues. Jan. 5, 2016 TC Meeting? Next Steps… Approve Mission Statement and Goals Map STRTC activities to Goals Org chart with all members mapped to one (or more) activities