Friday August 29, 2014 Mr. Goblirsch – Economics OBJECTIVE – Students Will Be Able To – SWBAT: - Analyze the Dow to determine if stock values increased or decreased. - Describe the Capitalist and Mixed economic systems. AGENDA: 1)WARM-UP: Tax Day 2)GUIDED ACTIVITY: The Dow Stock Simulation Week 2 3)INDEPENDENT PRACTICE: Ch 2 Sec 2&4 Workbook Pgs. 21&23 4)CLOSURE: How Would My Life Would Be Different? ***Chapter 2 Quiz Next WEDNESDAY 9/3*** Tax Day WARM-UP: (Follow the directions below) ***5 minutes*** Take out your Weekly Time Sheet. Complete the tax form for this week’s pay check. (Check with your partner to make sure it’s accurate) Make your weekly deposit in your Account. (I will be coming around to stamp your account forms)
TAX DAY 8/29 $7.25 Employee w/o a Job 1) 1)$ ) 2) - $3.63 3) 3) - $2.18 4) 4) - $1.09 5) 5) - $2.18 6) 6) - $0.36 7) 7) - $0.36 8) 8)Total Taxes = - $9.80 9) 9)Weekly Deposit = $26.45 $9.25 Employee w/ a Job 1) 1)$ ) 2) - $4.63 3) 3) - $2.78 4) 4) - $1.39 5) 5) - $2.78 6) 6) - $0.46 7) 7) - $0.46 8) 8)Total Taxes = - $ ) 9)Weekly Deposit = $33.75
Low Income Tax Rebate 1.If you make below $8 and hour (so all $7.25 workers) you are eligible to receive a 25% tax credit rebate. 2.Calculate your tax rebate by: a)Multiplying the total amount of your taxes paid this week by 0.25 (25%) I.Total Taxes Paid X 0.25 = Tax Rebate II. $9.80 X 0.25 = $2.45 = Low Income Tax Rebate 3.Add the $ to your account under the Description “Low Income Tax Rebate”
GUIDED ACTIVITY: Tracking The DOW 1)Locate your 5 stocks on The DOW handout. 2)Locate the “closing price” for your 5 stocks. 3)Multiply the “closing price” for your 1 st stock by the number of shares of it you own “closing price” X # of shares = Worth Week 2 4)Repeat for 2 nd, 3 rd, 4 th, & 5 th stocks 5)Add all 5 stocks together to = total worth 6)Calculate + / - change from last week’s worth
INDEPENDENT PRACTICE: DIRECTIONS: Complete Chapter 2 Sections 2 & 4 Workbook Pages 21 & 23 IF YOU FINISH: Turn it into the basket. IF YOU DON’T FINISH: Due Wednesday 9/3
CLOSURE: EXIT TICKET How Would My Life Be Different? 1)TRUE OR FALSE: In the United States, we have a mixed economic system based on a Free Market, with some elements of a Centrally Planned system. 2)If the U.S. began using a pure Free Market system (completely free), 3 ways my life would change would be … 3)If the U.S. began using a pure Centrally Planned system (completely unfree), 3 ways my life would change would be …