The Egyptian Biosafety Clearing House Dr. Ossama Abdel-Kawy
2 Eg-BCH The EG-BCH is the Egyptian node of the Biosafety Clearing House (BCH) established under Article 20 of Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, in order to facilate the exchange of scientific technical, environmental and legal information on living modified organisms (LMOs). The Eg-BCH website is made in 2 Languages interfaces: –Arabic –English
3 Information currently present on the Eg-BCH Laws and regulations dealing with biosafety in Egypt –Law N o 102 of 1983 for Nature Protectorates –Law N o 4 promulgating the environment law Roster of experts –List of the Egyptian Experts who discuss the Biosafety Protocol, put and coin the National Biosafety Law In Egypt National contacts –National Focal point of the Eg-BCH, CBD and CHM
4 Information currently present on the Eg-BCH Search page –Using titles, keywords and descriptions Information request form A glossary and a data base is being now prepared
6 And thank you …