Fare clic per modificare lo stile del sottotitolo dello schema History of Europe and North America has led to the creation of what we call Liberal Democratic States, the highest principles of which are life, freedom, pursuit of happiness right to private property right to vote
Inside a Liberal Democratic State people are granted with: Division of powers: legislative,executive, judiciary Free General Elections Equal Law Charles Secondat Baron of Montesquieu Was in favour of rigid division of powers
The State is the subject which uses legitimate power which, on its turn, is regulated by Law and commonly accepted by citizens This is the reason why the foundamental power of the State is the Legislative one In Italy the Legislative power is vested in the two Houses of Parliament, the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. A forthcoming Constitutional modification will vary the above asset
In a democratic State, citizens freely elect their representatives in Parliament Elections (polls) are to be considered free and democratic when: MPs are elected for a given period of time (legislatura) Speech, print, political association freedoms are granted to all citizens Freedom of expression and information implies pluralism of the media Montecitorio
A democratic state, to be strong and stable, has to promote lively involvment of its citizens Partecipation to civil life is achieved when all citizens share common decisions For instance: School set of rules will be decided by students', teachers' and parents' representatives, according to statal laws.
To promote partecipation, Italian Constitution establishes what follows Art. 5 “The Republic, one and indivisible,recognizes and grants local autonomies...” Constitutional Law n.3/2001 granted Regions part of legislative power on several matters
“Ragazzi in aula” is a project sponsored by Regione Piemonte... … to teach students how to promote and issue regional laws......which have to be in agreement with State Constitution and legislation so... common welfare has to be their ultimate aim, they have to be universally accepted and must not violate foundamental democratic rights