Distribution of Power in Society
Functionalism Power has an important and positive ‘function’ in society to maintain order and structure. The is a variable amount of power in society depending on how many people see it as legitimate (the variable sum model of power)
Marxism There is a fixed amount of power in society (zero sum model) and all of it is held by the ruling class (bourgeoisie). Power is economic, oppressive, coercive and ideological (shaping desires) and fulfils the negative function of keeping capitalism going.
Pluralism There are many centres of power (plural) in society. Pressure and interest groups compete with each other for influence over decision makers – no one group rules. Pluralists see this as democratic and healthy
Elite Theory Society is divided between the rulers and the ruled. The rulers are an elite minority and they rule because they are more intelligent, cunning and brave than the rest of us. Rule by an elite is seen as natural and desirable.
Elite Pluralism Elite Pluralism recognises that some pressure groups have more power than others Power is seen as dispersed through society but pressure groups themselves are dominated by elites
Feminism Men have power over women through patriarchy Institutions in society serve to consolidate and perpetuate male power.
Postmodernists/Poststructuralists Power is seen as related to knowledge and language rather than social structures. Power is expressed through ‘discourses’ (bodies of knowledge) which dominate how society sees how we should live our lives. Dominant ‘discourses’ tell us what is normal and what is deviant in terms of family, sexuality, discipline and punishment, health, illness etc.