What is meeting? Two or more people come together for the purpose of discussing a predetermined topic such as business or community event often on formal setting. Conference call E-meeting
When to call a meeting? Necessary Definite purpose Cost effectiveness Brainstorming
Type of meeting :A meeting can of Status meeting Work meeting Staff meeting Team meeting One on one meeting Management meeting Board meeting Kick off meeting Pre bid meeting Ad-hoc meeting
Participant of meeting : Depending on type of meeting participant are to be decide and necessary information sent to the participant. It would be advisable to follow up with the key participant about their availability. Agendas : Develop agendas with key participant and to think of what over all out come to achieved from the meeting.
How to prepare an agendas : The names of the expected attendees The exact place & date The time for starting the meeting (rough indication of time for each item) The time when the meeting is expected to end The objective (s) of the meeting The issues to be discussed and resolved Indication of how attendees in general or specific ones among them should prepare themselves for the meeting
Plan the meeting: A key to conducting successful meeting is to plan it thoroughly. Like agendas Sequencing of agendas in logical order Opening of meeting: Always start on time, this respect those who shows up on time and remind late comers that the scheduling is serious. Welcome attendees and thank them for their time. Review the agendas of meeting and start discussion.
Follow the plan : Follow the plan of the meeting item by item. Move the discussion along : Here goal should be to permit complete discussion on the one hand and to avoid repetition, excessive details and useless comments on the other hands. Move along the agendas
Control those who talks too much : Here objective should be to let people talk as long as they are contributing to the goal of the meeting. Encourage participation from those who talk too little : Encourage these people to participate by asking them for their view points and by showing respect for their comments. Control time: When time is limited discussion on agendas point are to be keep with in time frame.
Summarize at appropriate places : Main goal should be to summarize is agendas after discussion and recording of conclusion before moving on to the next agendas point. At the end of the meeting a formal minutes of meeting is to be drawn up.
How to prepare minutes of the meeting : Narrative Minutes Decision Minutes Sample :- Where and when the meeting was held The names of people who attended it Apologies from people who were expected to attend but could not The decisions taken along with who should implement them and by when Name & sign of person writing the minutes( In certain cases all the attendees and the chairperson may sign against their names to formalize acceptance by all. This is so even when the decision is not unanimous but by majority
Techniques of participation in the meeting : Participant should Follow The agendas : Participate: Do not talk to much: Cooperate: Be courteous:
What makes meeting wasteful : Poor preparation Failure to maintain minutes Incompetent chairpersons Cunning chairpersons Bosses Spineless managers Meeting- Hungry bosses Hidden Agendas and shadow boxing Bloated committees Absence of key players & Marathon meetings
‘Table manners’ at meetings : Don’t go late to a meeting Don’t interrupt when others talk Don’t monopolize the meeting Don’t talk or joke with your neighbors Don’t use the phone Don’t do anything unrelated to the discussion Don’t use excessively emotional language Don’t disobey the chairperson’s instructions and Requests