Richland Creek Water Supply Program Contract for Reservoir, Pump Stations, and WTP Final Design Services Paulding County, Georgia Water and Sewer Advisory Board Briefing October 14, 2014
2 Richland Creek Water Supply Program Elements 1.Dam and Reservoir 2.River Intake and Pump Station 3.Raw Water Pipelines 4.Water Treatment Plant, Reservoir Intake and Pump Station 5.Distribution System Improvements
3 Scope Final design / bidding of Reservoir Final design of WTP Final design of Intake pump station Final design of reservoir pump station Coordination with CMAR Contractor Develop Reservoir Emergency Action Plan and O&M Manual required for Safe Dams Permitting
4 Next Steps Reservoir Design to 100% River Intake/ PS Design to 30% WTP Design to 30% Reservoir Intake/ PS Design to 30% CMAR 30% GMP Cost Decision Point Finalize Sizing of Improvements Bidding and Construction of Reservoir River Intake/ PS Design to 100% And Construction WTP Design to 100% and Construction Reservoir Intake/ PS Design to 100% And Construction Raw Water Pipeline D/B Procurement Final Design and Construction of Raw Water Pipeline
5 Overall Program Schedule
6 Questions?
7 1. Reservoir 2. Raw Water Pump Station 3. Raw Water Pipeline 4. Treatment Plant, Reservoir Pump Station 5. Distribution System Improvements Design PhaseConstruction Phase Reservoir Designer Design Build Team Reservoir Contractor Pump Station Designer Distribution Designer CMAR Contractor WTP Designer CMAR Contractor Distribution Contractor
8 Update on other RCR Program activities ACT Cumulative Impact Study Conference Call with USACE and EPD on 10/6/14 Hydrologics presented overview of findings via webex USACE will provide feedback of anticipated review schedule in 2 weeks
9 Update on other RCR Program activities WTP / Pump Station CMAR Contractor RFP Currently out for proposals Due October 24th High level of interest Will provide briefing during November Water and Sewer Advisory Board Meeting Raw Water Pipeline Design / Build RFP Developing RFP Will issue week of October 20th
10 Update on other RCR Program activities Public Outreach and Education Completed Strategic Stakeholder Communication Plan Developed initial Information Briefing Package website development has begun Will go live in late October.