R.E. Subcommittee on Growth – Jan workshop What are the triggers points where changes are needed to the program / class configurations? Sanctuary capacity / crowding (leading to additional services) Physical capacity of R.E. class spaces – comfortable vs. over-crowded or at legal capacity Practical class group sizes (classroom management) – size at which teachers are comfortable vs. challenged
R.E. Subcommittee on Growth – Jan workshop Space CapacityIdealTrigger PointMax People in sanctuary~ 112~ 130 (people standing) ? Kids in classroom: Program A12 + teachers16 + teachers20 + teachers Program B12 + teachers16 + teachers20 + teachers Program C11 + teachers14 + teachers17 + teachers Library8 + teachers11 + teachers13 + teachers Vestry8 + teachers11 + teachers13 + teachers Minister’s Study5 + teachers6 + teachers8 + teachers Nursery * (front section of room) teacher5 + teacher6 + teacher * Assumes infants/toddlers and nursery providers using back section of room.
R.E. Subcommittee on Growth – Jan workshop Class Group Size TargetsIdealTrigger PointMax Preschool age Preschool age Kindergarten Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Class Group Size Targets – based on needs of children of different ages and experience of teachers working with children at those ages. Note: Some class groups may span more than one age/range. So for example if a group includes children aged 3 and 4, the ‘ideal’ may be 8.
R.E. Subcommittee on Growth – Jan workshop Number of kids in program Number of Groups Needed Trigger point – when to add group Typical attendance 0 – 20112~ – 40232~ – 60352~ – 80472~ – ~ – ~ – ~ 84 Attendance In program now Jan 2014 projected projected
R.E. Subcommittee on Growth – Jan workshop Conclusions: Current number of kids in the program and average attendance this year indicates that ideally we would have an additional class group (currently have 4 in addition to Nursery). While current class sizes suggest 5 class groupings, Louise may keep the current configuration for the rest of this year unless growth accelerates. For we should establish 5 class groups in addition to moving the 3 year olds to the Nursery space. We expect this configuration will be suitable to accommodate projected growth through the end of the church year. One may be a small Preschool group located in the front section of the Nursery room. A full teaching team would not be needed: the current expectation is that the Nursery providers would cover the 3-year olds along with infants/toddlers. Alternatively a single additional adult may be needed (small team). A class can meet in the Vestry. Class groups should span only 2 grades rather than 3. The Minister’s office could be used if needed. If current growth rates continue, we should anticipate that the physical space capacity of some or most classrooms and/or practical class size limitations will be reached by Fall These are trigger point which suggests that we would either need to locate additional class space or move to a 2 nd service with RE programming at both services. If growth rates accelerate, it is possible we could hit a trigger point earlier than