Supreme Court Case Template
Title of Case Story of the case Once upon a time style… Details about what happened to start this whole process
Outcome of the SC case / What was decided / what is PUBLIC POLICY
Location of Event of Case
Laws / Amendments Involved in Case
Level of Government Involved Local, state, federal Executive branch, legislative branch, judicial branch
Court where the Case Started / Path to Supreme Court
Precedents? Cases That Came Earlier and are Related? How related?
Amendment / Clause central to SC Ruling Be sure to anchor your explanation – The establishment clause is…. – In this case…. – Therefore….
Legal argument made by Plaintiff (First listed name)
Legal argument made by Defendant (Second listed name)
Specific legal clauses (If not already mentioned on previous slides)
Make-up of Court at time of ruling Who is on the court? Is court more liberal / conservative? Chief justice name DO NOT read every name….
Opinions Who wrote majority opinion? Who wrote dissenting opinion? Any concurring opinions?
How did this case impact rights? / Expand rights? / Limit rights?
Works Cited Page Have you also used INTERNAL cites (Last name) for ALL information you have learned?