Leadership Conference Welcome to September 2009
Why purchase IEP Power Tools? Creates progress reports quickly & efficiently Provides a powerful solution for speed issues Offers administrators a tool to monitor staff Features a goal bank & printing flexibility Gives service providers a way to enter PLAAFPs
Power Tools Main Menu Five Features: Open IEP Progress Toolbox Management Reports Goal Bank Looks and functions similarly to SEM, so generalization of skills is easy for users PLAAFPs
Open IEP The IEP works the same as in SEM with the addition of Progress Mode for creating progress reports. The user can create progress reports using Power Tools instead of SEM to keep databases running quickly. If desired, fewer staff could have access to SEM.
Defaults can be personalized!
Used to set up class lists Allows provider to track their own progress Reduces number of mouse clicks needed to create progress reports (provides more time for personalization and comments)
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Select a goal/objective which was covered during the last reporting period. A progress review opens on the right. Edit/add to the default statement--provide examples, share concerns, etc.
Remember: Don’t save defaults if you’ve personalized them for the student!
Respond to the prompt: “Yes” indicates completion; “No” changes status to “In Progress”. Select the next student. Repeat steps in slides 7-12 until progress has been completed for all students.
Printing Progress Reports Print criteria can be customized per student by printing from within the IEP.
Enter start and end dates. Select “Mark All” or check only those boxes to be printed.
Service providers can print student lists, filtered by progress report period and status. In this example, all students with “In Progress” progress reports are included.
Select staff members to be monitored (can filter by position or campus).
Once the “Merge Staff” button is clicked, the screen will be populated with the names of all students that have been added to the selected staff members’ Toolbox list. This list can be filtered.
Select the reporting period. Select the status (N, IP, C, or NA) Click the Requery button.
Goal Bank A goal bank allows service providers to print a copy of the goals/objectives they utilize. Goals are printed by type (TEKS, Speech, etc.). TEKS can be printed by subject and filtered by grade level. If desired, TAKS-Alt goals can be printed also.
PLAAFPs Teachers contribute PLAAFPs to page 3 of the ARD without accessing the ARD Committee Meeting Report*. Click the PLAAFPs button on the Power Tools Main Menu and select a student to input present levels of performance.
PLAAFPs ARD Page 3 - Academic PLAAFPs can be entered by teaching staff from the SEM Main Menu. The ARD facilitator then adds multiple teachers' PLAAFPs by using the multiple selector screen.