Leadership: final exam take-home question What is your theory, model, philosophy of leadership? Tell your story: how did you form your view of leadership? Who were the good leaders/bad leaders that you learned from? What does your model have to say about personal traits, task, relationships, the situation?
Leadership vs. Management A manager gets work done (does things right) through the efforts of other people. Includes planning, organizing, motivating, and controlling – cope with complexity A leader creates a vision (does the right thing). Communicates that vision and moves the organization toward that vision – cope with change
Leadership Your definition matters! Leadership involves: Establishing direction (vision and strategies). Aligning people. Communicating. Motivating and inspiring to overcome barriers. Produces change. Takes place at various levels. Individual, group, organization, society.
Leadership theories Trait “Great” man, K&P, emotional intelligence Behavioral What leaders do –task and people Contingency It depends Emerging Transactional, charismatic, servant
Trait theories a leader is… Possess certain characteristics (’80’s research by Kouzes and Posner). honest competent forward looking inspiring intelligent Emotional intelligence (Goleman) Self awareness, self management Social awareness, relationship management
Leadership Behaviors a leader does… Leaders aren’t necessarily born..... Individuals can be trained to be effective leaders. leader behaviors differ.. Task-related (initiating structure) behaviors Keeping employees on task, assigning tasks, providing goals. Employee-related (consideration) behaviors Motivating employees through interpersonal relationships, consideration, kindness, respect.
Contingency Theories Fiedler’s contingency leadership model Match between: Leader’s style (basic motivation) Relationship Oriented Task-oriented Situation (amount of control and influence in job context Leader-member relations: level of support, loyalty and trust Task Structure: level of structure in task Position Power: formal power to influence, reward, coerce
Path Goal Theory Based on expectancy perceptions Leaders reduce blocks to performance, provide guidance and support, tie rewards to accomplishments – provide path to rewards Four Leader Behaviors (styles): Directive (focus on tasks) Supportive (shows concern, friendly) Participative (consults before decisions) Achievement-oriented (sets challenging goals, shows confidence)
Path Goal Theory (continued) Contingency factors Environment/context Task structure Formal authority system Work group Employee attitudes and behaviors: Locus of control Experience Perceived ability
Path-Goal Theory Leader Behavior Directive Supportive Participative Achievement oriented Environmental Task structure Formal authority system Work group Outcomes Outcomes: Acceptance of leader Motivation Performance Satisfaction Employee Locus of control Experience, KSAO’s Perceived Ability Need for achievement
Situational Leadership Follower readiness ability and willingness to learn and take on responsibility. Four leadership styles Telling Selling Participating Delegating
Charismatic Leadership Research indicates two leader styles: Transactional leader Uses rewards and sanctions to motivate followers. Charismatic or Transformational leader Communicates vision to followers, who internalize leader’s vision. Followers feel loyalty to leader and commitment to leader’s vision.
Comparing Transactional and Transformational Leadership Transactional Control Strategy Emphasis on compliance behavior Motivate through social exchange of valued resources Coercive, legitimate, and reward based power Focus on compliance through control, often resulting in low self-worth. Transformational Empowerment strategy Changing core attitudes, beliefs, and values Motivate by increasing belief in self-ability and self-determination Expert and referent based power Focus on followers’ self- growth through internalization of goals.
Servant- Leader (Greenleaf) Service to others rather than self Listening Empathy Healing Awareness Persuasion Conceptualization Foresight Stewardship Commitment to growth of people Building community
Substitutes for Leadership Contributing characteristics: of Subordinates A person’s experience, professional orientation, or training may make leadership less necessary. of Jobs Jobs that are routine or unambiguous. Jobs with motivation built into job structure. of Organizations When organizations have clear goals and unambiguous rules and procedures.
Some Effective Leader Behaviors Effective leaders..... Know and express their values Know their own leadership style Empathize with followers Give people a vision of the future Seek input and feedback from others Communicate with persuasion and passion Provide effective feedback to others Motivate others to do their best