Noninvasive radiofrequency field destruction of pancreatic adenocarcinoma xenografts treated with targeted gold nanoparticles
Inspiration Urgent need for effective cancer treatments Current cancer treatments result in acute and chronic side effects Obstacle Destroy cancer cells without harming surrounding healthy cells Why pancreatic carcinoma? Deadly cancer killing 95% of diagnosed patients No current effective treatment
The Research Inserting Gold nanoparticles in human pancreatic cancer cells Antibodies are specific to cancer, only allowing Gold nanoparticles to enter cancerous cells Gold has minimal human side effects Exposing mice to radio frequency (RF) radiation Gold nanoparticles heat when with RF exposure Increases cellular temperature only in cells containing particles RF radiation is safe on human tissue
Pancreatic cancer cells were destroyed! Noninvasive Surrounding cells, tissues, & organs were left unharmed No behavioral changes No unexplained death
Promising effective treatment for pancreatic cancer Elimination of adverse side effects to cancer treatment Noninvasive solution to curing ALL types of cancer Save countless human lives!
Glazer, E. S., Zhu, C., Massey, K. L. (2010). Noninvasive Radiofrequency Field Destruction of Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Xenografts Treated with Targeted Gold Nanoparticles. C linical Cancer Research, 16, doi: / CCR