Hummock Pond Road Bike Path Implementation Update January 25, 2012
Bike path will run from end of Milk Street extension to Cisco Beach Funding from the Town of Nantucket and private donations Estimated completion date: May 2013 Implements path six years earlier than Transportation Improvement Program funding HPRBP –Implementation Summary
January 2012: - ConCom hearings (January 4th and 18 th ) - Receipt of abutter right of way comments - County public hearing for taking all easements - Utilities notified / initial design plans distributed December 2011: - Staking of path centerline and property bounds for Stroll Weekend - Finalize Appraisals, ROW plans, and property owner notices - Conservation Commission review initiated November 2011: - Development and review of initial design with VHB - Notice to abutters of strategy and property staking - ROW plan complete / initiate October 2011:- BOS / County approval of implementation strategy - Finalize amendment to design contract with VHB - Wetland review with ConCom staff HPRBP Implementation Schedule – Tasks Completed
May 2013: - Construction complete October 2012: - Pre-Construction meetings - Construction Starts September 2012: - Construction bid opening July 2012: - Finalize design plans - Construction bid May 2012: - Initiate final design of bike path April 2012: - Construction funding ($3.2 million) approved at ATM / ballot - Taking filed at Registry if the funding is approved - Right of way damage award notifications March 2012: - ROW secured via County taking (recorded after ATM / ballot vote in mid-April) February 2012: - ConCom hearing – seek approval of Order of Conditions - County hearing of taking challenges HPRBP Implementation Schedule – Tasks to be completed
Issues: Wetland Approx. 3,600 sqft of total wetland impacts at various locations Wetland near Millbrook Road intersection