DT-EF Section meeting 29/1/2016 Agenda News CERN, EP, DT MARS AOB
14/10/2015 2 Contact Persons for Experiments and Projects PH-DT Detector Technologies Group leader: Mar CAPEANS Deputies: Andrea CATINACCIO & Michael MOLL Secretariat: Veronique WEDLAKE Safety Linkperson: Isabelle MARDIROSSIAN Contact Persons for Experiments and Projects Technology & Physics (DT-TP) Burkhard SCHMIDT Detector Development (DT-DD) Petra RIEDLER Fluidic Systems (DT-FS) Paola TROPEA Detector Interface (DT-DI) Giovanna LEHMANN Engineering Facilities (DT-EF) Hans DANIELSSON Deputy: PA.GIUDICI Engineering Office (DT-EO) Andrea CATINACCIO Detector Construction & Operations (DT-CO) Antti ONNELA Deputy: F.PEREZ DAVENPORT Martyn GYS Thierry HAHN Ferdinand HAIDER Stefan JORAM Christian KLEMPT Wolfgang MARTINENGO Paolo SROKA S (Fell) KOSTOGLOU S (Tech) Silicon det R&D MAPELLI Alessandro HONMA Alan MCGILL Ian MANOLESCU Florentina BONNAUD J (Fell) GALLRAPP C (Fell) BRONUZZI I (Doct) CURRAS E (Doct) MATEU I (TRN FTEC) NEUGEBAUER H (Doct) OTERO Sofia (Doct) PITAES C (TRN Pt) Gas Det R&D ROPELEWSKI Leszek (PL) OLIVERI Eraldo RESNATI F (Fell) THUINER P (Doct) Irradiation Facilities RAVOTTI Federico (PL) GLASER Maurice FORTIN Richard G GORINE G (Doct) GOTKSE B (Doct) GUIDA Roberto (Gas PL) PETAGNA (Cooling PL) CARRIE Patrick DAGUIN Jerome D'AURIA Andrea DE MENEZES Louis-Philippe MERLET Frederic NOEL Jerome PAVIS Steven VERLAAT Bart WASEM Albin ZWALINSKI Lukasz GIAKOUMI K (Fell EU) MANDELLI B (Fell) MOUSSY Y (Fell) OSTREGA M (Fell) PIMENTEL T (TRN Pt) HELLENSCHMIDT A (Doct) ROMAGNOLI G (Doct) SPADAVECHIA N (Tech) PONS Xavier BLANC Pascal BOURGEOIS Nicolas DERONT Laurent MAIRE Gilles RAVAT Sylvain RIGAUT Y.A. (PA) Thin Film & Glass SCHNEIDER Thomas (PL) DAVID Claude VAN STENIS Miranda Micro-Pattern Tech DE OLIVEIRA Rui (PL) FERRY Serge GRIS Alexandra PIZZIRUSSO Olivier RANCHIN David RODRIGUES Alexis TEIXEIRA Antonio CHAMLEY C (Tech) Machine Shops BODE Alain BRENDLEN Romain BRUNEL Bernard CANTIN Bernard GARNIER Francois Magnets support BERGSMA Felix (PL) Design room BAULT Christophe (PL) DEGRANGE Jordan JAMET Olivier LENOIR Philippe Design and Analysis ALVAREZ Diego BATISTA Joao Carlos DUARTE Fernando GARGIULO Corrado HATCH Mark WERTELAERS Piet MARTENSSON O (Tech) Composite Lab BOYER F (TRN VIA) UNIT1 BENDOTTI Jerome DIXON Neil DUMPS Raphael GONGALVES Antonio KOTTELAT Luc-Joseph KRISTIC Robert LAHU Gregory LOOS Robert PIEDIGROSSI Didier VERGAIN Maurice VOGEL A (Fell) UNIT2 ANSTETT Didier Henri BOUVIER Philippe Jacques IJZERMANS Pieter LESENECHAL Yannick VAN BEELEN Jacob Bastiaan Projects FSU PH40 FSU PH02 Services 14/10/2015 2
MARS schedule I have no date for my MARS yet but it is after 6/2 We should try to finish the interviews in February, but the absolute deadline is March 11 MARS form completed by GL and sent to the staff member by April 22.
2015 at a glance: International Relations Associate Member States: Pakistan, Turkey, Serbia (in the pre-stage to membership) Candidate to Membership accession: Romania Applicants for Membership or Associate Membership: Azerbaijan, Brazil, Croatia, Cyprus, India, Russia, Slovenia, Ukraine International Cooperation Agreements (ICA): Lebanon, Palestine, USA, ESO, IRENA Geographical enlargement Yellow: 2015 Protocol visits in 2015: 126 Member States: 57 Non-Member States: 39 Observers: 17 Candidates for accession: 3 Associates: 1 Miscellaneous: 9 ICA signature with USA at White House, 7-5-2015: R.-D. Heuer with DOE Secretary E.J. Moniz and NSF Director F. A. Córdova. ICA formalises US participation in HL-LHC and CERN participation in neutrino programme at Fermilab
2015 at a glance: Communications and Outreach 2015 media coverage: 180k press cuttings worldwide 1.2M CERN mentions on social media 1.3M followers on Twitter Awarded best Twitter page in Switzerland 7M unique visitors to CERN’s core websites CERN guided tours New Microcosm exhibition open 107000 visitors in 2015 > 300000 visit requests/yr 7
Where is the New Physics ? Main questions in today’s particle physics (a non-exhaustive list ..) Why is the Higgs boson so light (so-called “naturalness” or “hierarchy” problem) ? What is the origin of the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the Universe ? Why 3 fermion families ? Why do neutral leptons, charged leptons and quarks behave differently ? What is the origin of neutrino masses and oscillations ? What is the composition of dark matter (23% of the Universe) ? What is the cause of the Universe’s accelerated expansion (today: dark energy ? primordial: inflation ?) Why is Gravity so weak ? However: there is NO direct evidence for new particles (yet…) from the LHC or other facilities Where is the New Physics ? i.e. at what E scale(s) will we find the answers to these questions ?
Scientific strategy These questions require NEW PHYSICS With the discovery of the Higgs boson, we have completed the Standard Model (> 50 years of theoretical and experimental efforts !) Note: fermions (c, b, t, τ) discovered at accelerators in the US, bosons (g, W, Z, H) in Europe ! We have tested the Standard Model with very high precision (wealth of measurements since early ‘60s, in particular at accelerators) it works BEAUTIFULLY (puzzling …) no significant deviations observed (but difficult to accommodate non-zero neutrino masses) However: the SM is not a complete theory of particle physics, as several outstanding questions remain (raised also by precise experimental observations) that cannot be explained within the SM. These questions require NEW PHYSICS
Future Circular Colliders (FCC) International Collaboration: ~ 70 Institutes International conceptual design study of a ~100 km ring: pp collider (FCC-hh): ultimate goal defines infrastructure requirements √s ~ 100 TeV, L~2x1035; 4 IP, ~20 ab-1/expt e+e- collider (FCC-ee): possible first step √s = 90-350 GeV, L~200-2 x 1034; 2 IP pe collider (FCC-he): option √s ~ 3.5 TeV, L~1034 Also part of the study: HE-LHC: FCC-hh dipole technology (~16 T) in LHC tunnel √s ~ 30 TeV GOAL: CDR in time for next ES Machine studies are site-neutral. However, FCC at CERN would greatly benefit from existing laboratory infrastructure and accelerator complex 90-100 km ring fits geology
FCC FCC-hh: a ~100 TeV pp collider is expected to: explore directly the 10-50 TeV E-scale conclusive exploration of EWSB dynamics say the final word about heavy WIMP dark matter FCC-ee: 90-350 GeV measure many Higgs couplings to few permill indirect sensitivity to E-scale up to O(100 TeV) by improving by ~20-200 times the precision of EW parameters measurements, ΔMW < 1 MeV, Δmtop ~ 10 MeV The two machines are complementary and synergetic Many huge technological, design and operational challenges: e.g. ~16 T Nb3Sn magnets Demonstrator (16 T, 50 mm gap) ~ 1m, end 2018, 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 Physics Construction Proto Design FCC LHC HL-LHC 1/28/16
SAFETY New safety rules: http://cds.cern.ch/journal/CERNBulletin/2015/49/Official News/2105551?ln=en
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