By crystal, Paige, Aleigha and Jess
Lcd screen length: 113cm width : 76cm. area was 8588cm2 perimeter was 189cm. Measured by Paige.
Class room floor o length was 900cm o width was 800cm o area was 72cm2 o perimeter was 17cm.
Metal door into classroom length was 197cm width was 80cm total area was 15760cm2 perimeter was 277cm2
White board length was 121cm width was 240cm area was Perimeter 722
Table length 100cm width 24cm area 11147cm2 perimeter 124cm. Measured by Paige
Exercise book length 29.7cm width was 20.7cm area was cm2 perimeter was 50.4cm. Measured by Crystal
dow Window For the window the length was 81cm and the width was 81cm so the area was 6561cm2 and the perimeter was 162cm. The window was supposed to Be measured by jess who was away So it was done by Paige.
Soccer pitch The full soccer pitch length was 96m and the width was 50m altogether the area was 4800m2 and the perimeter was 146cm. Half of the soccer pitch was length was 32m And the width was 30m so the area was 960cm2. measured by paige + Aleigha
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