SOC Design Lecture 5 AMBA Signals
Youpyo DGU AMBA Bus Types
Youpyo DGU Master and Slave Concept A can initiate a data transfer. (Write operation in this case.) B only responses to a A’s request. A is called a master and B is called a slave.
Youpyo DGU How about read operation? Which one is a master?
Youpyo DGU Bus Again In such simple case we do not need a bus.
Youpyo DGU AMBA for Multiple Masters & Slaves AMBA consists of Master, Slave, Arbiter, Mux, and Decoder. HADDR is the address from master to slave. HWDATA is the data from master to slave. HRDATA is the data from slave to master.
Youpyo DGU Number of Cases about BUS Single Master, Single Slave Multi Master, Single Slave Single Master, Multi Slave Multi Master, Multi Slave The Simplest BUS is the 1 st Case The last case should be a combination of 2 nd & 3 rd case.
Youpyo DGU Multi Master, Single Slave (MMSS) There’s a Mux. How do we make a “Master Selection” signal?
Youpyo DGU Arbiter When a master wants to transfer data, it sends a request signal to arbiter. If arbiter grants the request, then the master transfers data.
Youpyo DGU Single Master, Multi Slave (SMMS) There’s a Mux, but situation is different from MMSS case. How do we make a slave selection signal?
Youpyo DGU Decoder Slave A & B must have a different address. ex) Slave A : 0x0 ~ 0x3FFF, Slave B : 0x4000 ~ 0x7FFF Decoder decodes an address from master, and make a selection signal.
Youpyo DGU AMBA for Multiple Masters & Multiple Slaves
Youpyo DGU AMBA Signals SignalDescription HRESETReset HADDRAddress HWDATAData from master to slave HWRITEWrite Enable HRDATAData from slave to master HREADYIndicates slave is ready HREQUE STx Request from Master number x to Arbiter HGRANTxGrant from Arbiter to Master number x HSELxSection Signal from Decoder to Slave ……
Youpyo DGU What about human laws? There are millions of laws. Do you have to do all the legal actions everyday? No. You just need to do what you want. Just do not violate the laws. So, if you need a simple job, you can use a few AMBA signals only. Let’s find the “minimal set” of AMBA signal for our goal.
Youpyo DGU Single Master Single Slave (SM SS)
Youpyo DGU HW #2 (Due Next Class) List all possible combinations of timing for “Write” for SM SS situation. Which combinations violate AHB spec.? (Read AMBA Spec. and find out what kind of information is written on timing.) The goal of this HW is to distinguish the coverage of specification and implementation.