Looking Ahead Photosynthesis this week until about Wed or Thursday next week Review for Final Final will include Photosynthesis and all other material from this semester Your objective sheets are your study guides
Photosynthesis Process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy into chemical energy
ATP vs Glucose (or fat) ATP is directly useable by cells Glucose stores more energy per gram ATP is like cash, glucose like gold?
Photosynthesis Autotroph Auto = ‘self’ Troph = to feed Heterotroph – gets energy from other organisms
Photosynthesis From where does an autotroph’s initial energy come? So a heterotroph’s?
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Photosynthesis Why are plants ‘green’? What does that mean about useable light?
Photosynthesis Pigments in plants
Homework Objective 7 due tomorrow! Start reviewing for Final