Staff “Need to emphasise that reading and spelling are also homework.” “Do we do enough?” “Who should mark it?” “How much feedback should we give?” “Creative projects…lots of fun for those well supported at home…highlights differences for those who are not.” “Holiday homework…contrary to having a rest. Just reading and times tables to be encouraged?” “For the amount of time it takes us to plan, set it, differentiate for abilities, chase up late returns and mark it…what do we actually gain from it?” “What happens when children do not get their homework (including reading and spelling) completed on time? Whose fault is this- child or parent? How do we follow it up? How is it fair on parents who make homework part of their child’s routine and promote it as important when others do not take on this basic parental responsibility?” “How do we show we value the work done at home?” “Marking…” “What happens to children who get little or no support at home? Is it fair to punish them?” “Homework is most effective when it is a partnership between home and school. It’s a good way for practising key skills and for parents to see what’s being taught.” “Do we follow up areas children still do not understand after homework is completed?” “Planning homework and effectively differentiating it can be problematic since if we link it to what they have learned that week, we sometimes do not know fully what they have achieved until the last day of the unit…is this last minute homework planning effective?” “Should it only be basic skills? Can we plan homework in a greater range of subjects?” “Increase the amount of open ended tasks to allow application of what they have learned…especially in maths.” “Could topic related tasks be set at the start of a half term which covers an range of subjects including maths and English? Could children have a list of tasks and they can choose the order in which they complete them over the period of time allowed?” “How do we know how much support has been given?” “Is there a scheme we could follow to promote uniformity in all year groups?” “ I am uncomfortable that I am able to spend less time marking the work that parents get to see more of.”
Parents “Year 6: I think they get enough but perhaps more creative/ games rather than just worksheets for maths.” “ As a parent I would really like to see a section of (for example) the reading diary given over to homework to add some clarity to what is expected regarding homework…when it is due in, how it should be presented etc. If this was dictated to the children and transferred to the book it would eliminate the Chinese whisper effect when a child relays what is required to the parent and would give the child something to refer to as well.” “The homework is really interesting. It gives us an insight into what they are learning at school.” “I like the amount of homework set and the ability to easily communicate with EGJS staff.” “ I am happy with the level of homework but would perhaps like to see a project set every now and then (perhaps holidays?)” “I like the worksheets we’ve been getting recently- feels more achievable for the kids (less daunting). Reading targets can be a bit variable- sometimes loads, sometimes hardly any.” “I think that the homework is set at the correct level and a mixture of subjects are given. Maybe projects?” “Just about enough but a little more would be a positive thing to do bearing in mind ALL pupils of EGJS are good learners and like school.” “The standards of the school in terms of helping the pupils to achieve higher targets are pretty high and both parents and pupils expect that and like it, so no harm in increasing homework.” “If homework is a poster or crafty project maybe a little more notice would be good- sometimes we like to start homework on a Friday but don’t have the stuff we need.” “Homework can be a chore in our household on top of reading and spelling targets. There is a danger that too much can interfere with family life/ activities”. “I like that homework is given out on a Friday and has to be handed in on a Wednesday. I try to get my son to do his homework on a Friday after school so that he has the weekend to enjoy. I like the homework on separate sheets- very helpful.” “I’d like homework to be given out on a Monday rather than a Friday- or spread out a bit more.” “Examples of how the work should be calculated/ laid out would be useful for maths.” “Homework is not always explained very well on the sheet sent home” “GIVE THEM MORE!” “More challenging homework for Year 6 leading up to Secondary School.” “Maybe consider longer term ‘project’ type homework for older children. Make a bit more interesting the subject matter.” “Like the amount of homework and timescales for handing in. Spelling sheet isn’t great stuck into book. Would be easier to separate instead of rewriting them again.” “I think homework is just enough for this age” “I’d like help understanding methods.” “Online tools like ‘MyMaths’ and ‘Language Perfect’. Online homework timetable.” “Year 3- I think what they have set at the moment is enough to cope with.” “Maybe homework in other subjects?”
Parents “It can be hard to know what homework is set- could a log or tracker sheet be sent home for signing? Also a little more homework wouldn’t go amiss in prep for the next stages.” “I have 1 child that will sit and do their homework for hours and really enjoy it. I have another child that will do anything to get out of it! I sometimes wish smaller sets of homework more regularly would benefit her more.” “I am happy with the amount of homework they are set each week! I like that they have maths one week and English the next.” “Maybe consider homework in things other than maths and literacy- what happened to the creative project work?” “I think the levels are right for each year group ( I have a Y3 and Y6 child). I like the different due dates i.e. Weds, different reading day and spelling day…” “Variability of volume of homework?” “Could you provide a weekly sign in sheet which tells the parents what and when homework is due to be completed? Monthly report showing progress in each subject?” “I am extremely happy with my son’s progress through inspired teaching.” “I worry that I won’t be able to help my daughter in maths as it’s different to how I was taught.” “Although there seems a lot of homework I do understand it’s getting the children ready for Secondary school” “ I think that in Y5 my daughter would cope with another piece set, say mid week- either maths or literacy.” “A homework Club? I have difficulty getting children to do homework once at home they want to play or chill out. If homework was given a set time and place in a club I think they would cope much better.” “Homework tends to be a painful experience in our house! Maybe alternating maths and English would be more productive rather than having both each week. My son in year 6 actually gets more homework than our kids at Secondary School.” “We sometimes find that the questions are not fully with an example at the top. Then it is difficult for the parent to help if their child is getting stuck.” “Happy with the amount of homework and like the set day (Friday) so gives them the weekend to do it. I also like spelling tests weekly. Maybe set up a times tables test weekly and set work for home?” “Homework is so important for extra learning. My daughter wants to, my son does not!” “I sometimes do not understand it and worry about teaching/ helping her in the wrong way.” “I think the levels of homework are right however I think there should be more praise/ rewards for it when handed in on time and those that present it well.” “Happy with amount of homework at this age. (Please do not make the maths any harder!!!)” “My girls’ really enjoy doing their homework on time. It is great because it keeps the kids focused.” “Homework gives me the opportunity to follow progress of my kids’ education. It is very rewarding as it helps to build their personalities!” “Need help to understand methods. If a child is struggling with something, give sheets so we can support them at home and extra help at school if child is struggling like a homework club. Can parents attend a homework club with their child?” “Pleased with the homework but not enough of it.” “I think they get enough homework. They need time to do other things at the weekend!”
Children “Yes I like homework due to the fact that I get to show the different things I have learned in school to my Dad. I think we have just the right amount of homework. I would like a few more projects” 6J “I think that Eastern Green could have a homework help on our school website. Also that we should use Education City again.” 6C “I prefer English and artistic homework because I feel like I can use my imagination to draw or write something. I always do my homework at the weekend- the reason for this is so that I know I have completed it and I don’t have to worry about it.” 6C “I would like homework in every subject and a homework website.” 4H “I spend about an hour on all of my homework- I think that’s good for a Year 3.” 3A “I like the amount of days we are given to hand it in.” 3M “I like homework because you get to go home and show your parents what you have been learning.” 3A “I love homework because you get to sit down quietly and I love maths more than English because you get to switch your brain on!” 3M “I get help sometimes from my dad. I enjoy it because I like showing my dad my work.” “I enjoy English and projects but I don’t enjoy maths homework as much. I would like a variety of work. The amount of homework is fine but I would like more. I spend 20 minutes or a little more on my homework. I complete it on a Monday or Sunday.” 5M “I think homework is good to practice what you have been learning. I have help from my brother and my nan. We have just the right amount of homework to complete in the week.” 5Mc “I quite like my homework because I get to practice at home as well as at school. If I get a little stuck I ask my mum. Out of English and maths, I probably enjoy maths more. I think the homework is just right for me. I quite like doing art homework too- I would like more of it.” 5Mc “I like English so I can make my handwriting better. I like the amount of homework because it makes me a superstar. I have help with my maths- my mum helps me.” 4K “I want to have topic for homework not just maths and English. I would like more homework on different subjects.” 4K “I would like Spanish homework. I am sad about not having enough because I love it. My mum and dad help me with my homework- I do it on a Sunday.” 4K “In Upper school, teachers could give out homework on a Monday and Friday to increase the amount of homework given out in the week.” 5Mc “I don’t like homework because it’s sometimes really hard for me. I find projects the best because you can be arty and creative.” 4H “I enjoy my homework- it helps me to understand everything better. If I need help I ask mum or dad. I like English homework best. I think the amount we get is just right. I do my homework mainly on a Saturday or a Sunday. I take about 1 hour on weekend homework”. 5Mc “I would like a larger range of homework subjects, like art or topic once in a while. I think the teacher should comment on it as well.” 5M “I get help from my parents when I am stuck but sometimes, like in maths, they don’t know what method I’m using so I think we should have a sheet for parents.” 5M