Welcome to St Leonards
Teacher – Miss Pankhurst LSA – Mrs Addleton Our Class
As the children reach year 5 and 6 we are starting to prepare them for secondary school. -Letters and Dinner Money -Reading Record books -Homework -New Maths Curriculum -PE Kit Independence
Children bring all their letters and dinner money to the classroom, this starts to develop independence ready for secondary school. If you do not have an envelope the children can find one in the classroom and put their money in and then put into the box. Letters and Dinner Money
Children can write in their own books – They can record; what they have read, characters, plot, story line, what they think will happen next or if they are not enjoying it. If you read with your child, most children are becoming fluent readers, so its about questioning your child. For example you could ask; Why do you think the character feels? If you were the character what would you do next? Children use what they have read to answer. Challenging questions which may not always be in the text but make the children think about what they read. Reading Record
As a class we share the same book and all the children have a copy. We use it to support our writing, speaking and listening and comprehension. Children could be asked to read a chapter over a couple of days or the weekend. The text will be challenging and some children may need support when reading the text. Whole class reader
Children this year will be set a piece of homework which could be Maths, English or themed which should take the children 30mins. Reading – Is still very important Times tables – Children will have a weekly test of all times tables Spelling homework will be more an investigative approach looking at rules. If the children struggle with their homework, don’t sit for hours, send the child back in and I will support them with their homework. If homework is not completed on time or looks like the children have spent enough time could mean they need to do more on Friday playtime. Homework
New curriculum Children need to know, recognise and use Roman numerals from 1 to Children will be asked to learn a set amount a week which will then be tested in different ways during the week. Maths
One PE lesson will always be on a Thursday but the other lesson will be flexible. PE kits must be school every day. Children will need jumper and jogging bottoms for the winter because the children are older they do tend to go out in most weathers. PE
If anyone have any expertise or interest on a subject we are learning and would like to share this with the class please let me know. If you would like to catch me at the end of a day to chat or share a concern I am happy to talk then.
Any Questions?