Hymn words omitted due to copyright restriction (see ending credits for acknowledgments) A Collection of Lutheran Music ‘Lutheran Service Book’ Edition A Collection of Lutheran Music ‘Lutheran Service Book’ Edition Hymn #801 How Great Thou Art O STORE GUD Text: Carl Gustaf Boberg, PowerPoint Production © 2009 Donald L. Vossler PowerPoint Production © 2009 Donald L. Vossler Tune: Swedish folk tune arr. Stuart K. Hine, b Tune: Swedish folk tune arr. Stuart K. Hine, b. 1899
Hymn words omitted due to copyright restriction (see ending credits for acknowledgments) #801 - How Great Thou Art [1] O **** ** ***, **** * ** ******* wonder Consider *** *** ***** *** **** **** made, I *** *** *****, * **** *** ****** thunder, Thy ***'* ********** *** ******** displayed; [Refrain] Then ***** ** ****, ** ****** ***, ** Thee, How ***** **** ***! *** ***** **** art! Then ***** ** ****, ** ****** ***, ** Thee, How ***** **** ***! *** ***** **** art! [1] O **** ** ***, **** * ** ******* wonder Consider *** *** ***** *** **** **** made, I *** *** *****, * **** *** ****** thunder, Thy ***'* ********** *** ******** displayed; [Refrain] Then ***** ** ****, ** ****** ***, ** Thee, How ***** **** ***! *** ***** **** art! Then ***** ** ****, ** ****** ***, ** Thee, How ***** **** ***! *** ***** **** art!
Hymn words omitted due to copyright restriction (see ending credits for acknowledgments) #801 - How Great Thou Art [2] When ******* *** ***** *** ****** ****** * wander, I **** *** ***** **** ******* ** *** trees; When * **** **** **** ***** ******** grandeur And **** *** ***** *** **** *** ****** breeze; [Refrain] Then ***** ** ****, ** ****** ***, ** Thee, How ***** **** ***! *** ***** **** art! Then ***** ** ****, ** ****** ***, ** Thee, How ***** **** ***! *** ***** **** art! [2] When ******* *** ***** *** ****** ****** * wander, I **** *** ***** **** ******* ** *** trees; When * **** **** **** ***** ******** grandeur And **** *** ***** *** **** *** ****** breeze; [Refrain] Then ***** ** ****, ** ****** ***, ** Thee, How ***** **** ***! *** ***** **** art! Then ***** ** ****, ** ****** ***, ** Thee, How ***** **** ***! *** ***** **** art!
Hymn words omitted due to copyright restriction (see ending credits for acknowledgments) #801 - How Great Thou Art [3] But **** * ***** **** ***, *** *** *** sparing, Sent *** ** ***, * ****** *** **** ** in-- That ** *** ***** ** ****** ****** bearing He **** *** **** ** **** **** ** sin; [Refrain] Then ***** ** ****, ** ****** ***, ** Thee, How ***** **** ***! *** ***** **** art! Then ***** ** ****, ** ****** ***, ** Thee, How ***** **** ***! *** ***** **** art! [3] But **** * ***** **** ***, *** *** *** sparing, Sent *** ** ***, * ****** *** **** ** in-- That ** *** ***** ** ****** ****** bearing He **** *** **** ** **** **** ** sin; [Refrain] Then ***** ** ****, ** ****** ***, ** Thee, How ***** **** ***! *** ***** **** art! Then ***** ** ****, ** ****** ***, ** Thee, How ***** **** ***! *** ***** **** art!
Hymn words omitted due to copyright restriction (see ending credits for acknowledgments) #801 - How Great Thou Art [4] When ****** ***** **** **** ***** ** acclamation And **** ** ****, **** *** ***** **** ** heart! Then * ***** *** ** ****** adoration And ***** ********: "** ***, *** ***** **** art!" [Refrain] Then ***** ** ****, ** ****** ***, ** Thee, How ***** **** ***! *** ***** **** art! Then ***** ** ****, ** ****** ***, ** Thee, How ***** **** ***! *** ***** **** art! [4] When ****** ***** **** **** ***** ** acclamation And **** ** ****, **** *** ***** **** ** heart! Then * ***** *** ** ****** adoration And ***** ********: "** ***, *** ***** **** art!" [Refrain] Then ***** ** ****, ** ****** ***, ** Thee, How ***** **** ***! *** ***** **** art! Then ***** ** ****, ** ****** ***, ** Thee, How ***** **** ***! *** ***** **** art!
Hymn words omitted due to copyright restriction (see ending credits for acknowledgments) A Collection of Lutheran Music PowerPoint Production © 2009 Donald L. Vossler PowerPoint Production © 2009 Donald L. Vossler Text: © 1953, 1981 Manna Music Tune:Public Domain