Bellringer: Please turn OFF all phones & devices. Put phones & devices in bags. Not pockets. Put bags at front. Get out #2 pencil.
1)Use only #2 PENCIL if quiz is on scantron. 2)Make no stray marks if quiz is on scantron. 3)Keep scantron or paper reasonably covered. 4)Face the front and look only at your own paper or straight ahead until all tests are taken up. 5)Remain silent until all tests are taken up. DIRECTIONS TO RECEIVE CREDIT FOR THIS QUIZ, YOU MUST:
A) Boron B) Beryllium C) Bromine D) Barium E) Berkshire 1) Be is the symbol for
A) Agamemnon B) Titanium C) Platinum D) Gold E) Silver 2) Ag is the symbol for
A) Aurora B) Titanium C) Platinum D) Gold E) Silver 3) Au is the symbol for
A) S B) So C) Sa D) N E) Na 4) The symbol for sodium is
A) S B) So C) Si D) SI E) SC 5) The symbol for silicon is
A) Always upper case B) Always lower case C) Either upper or lower case is fine, it does not matter 6) If a chemical symbol for an element has only 1 letter, it is
A) All letters are always upper case B) All letters are always lower case C) Either upper or lower case is fine, it does not matter D) The 1 st letter is always lower case, and the others are upper case E) The 1 st letter is always upper case, and the others are lower case 7) If a chemical symbol for an element has more than 1 letter,
A) M B) Me C) Mg D) Hg E) H 8) The symbol for mercury (a liquid heavy metal) is
A) h B) H C) Hg D) Hy E) hd 9) The symbol for hydrogen is
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 20 E) ) The atomic number for hydrogen is
A) True B) False C) We have no idea 11) Most of the universe is made of hydrogen.
A) Fe B) I C) Ir D) Ag E) Hg 12) The symbol for iron is
A) Fe B) Cu C) Le D) L E) Pb 13) Plumbers used to work with lead pipes. The symbol for lead is
A) Magnate B) Manganese C) Moron D) Magnesium E) Magpie 14) Mg is the symbol for
A) C B) Ch C) Cl D) Cr E) Ca 15) What is the symbol for chlorine ?