Written by John Green Published by the Penguin Group Published in 2005 Presentation by Win Gustin
Setting Looking for Alaska takes place in mid Alabama, at a boarding school during modern times. Culver Creek boarding school is an isolated academy where mischief and pranks run amok, and where tight bonds bring together friendships for a lifetime.
Major Characters Miles “Pudge” Halter – Miles is a young, awkward teenager ready to leave his old, cautious life in Florida for “The Great Perhaps”. Alaska Young – Alaska is an attractive, intelligent, self-destructive girl who pulls Miles into her life and wins his heart.
Conflict Miles, lost in his search of something greater, stumbles upon Alaska Young. She takes him on a journey to the Great Perhaps, falling in love, but avoiding her troubling personal past, until she can no longer evade it. Alaska guides him, getting into trouble, mischief, and adventures that will last a lifetime.
Minor Characters Chip “The Colonel” Martin – Chip is a mischievous genius who quickly befriends Miles, and introduces him to Alaska. Takumi – Takumi, one of Chip’s friends, assists Chip and Miles in their grand schemes and plots, making an invaluable addition to their team. Mr. Starnes “The Eagle” – Mr. Starnes is the dean of the school, and is always happy to assist in the capture of students who’ve done wrong. All he wants, however, is to help the students.
Reviews One book review praises it for its entertaining dialogue, dynamic characters, and suspense, but critiqued it for it’s lack of a good ending, that the author failed to deliver. Click to read review. Another, more critical review notes its unlikable characters and disappointing ending, but still comments on its excellent writing. Click to read THIS review.
My response Personally, I quite enjoyed the novel. The writing was excellent, as were the characters, but I couldn’t really relate to them as much. They were my age, but it didn’t seem to me that they did “normal” things someone my age would do, like running around pranking and smoking. Another thing was that the ending failed to deliver, and I was left wondering if that was the actual end of the book or not. Still a great read though, with great characters.