By: Mackenzie Brandi Types of Learning within Social Psychology Continue on: Click the Brain!
Types of learning: Main Menu Observational Learning Classic Conditioning Operant Conditioning Click here to show me examples of Classic Conditioning Click here to show me examples of Operant Conditioning Click here to show me examples of Observational Learning Go to multiple choice question
A learning process by which: a subject comes to respond in a specific way to a previously neutral stimulus after the subject repeatedly encounters the neutral stimulus together with another stimulus that already brings forth the response. Breaking it down: Associating something to an action and in return every time that associated item occurs than that action will occur. Click here to learn more: Pavlov, a psychologist has studied this kind of conditioning and has a study using dogs.
What kinds of stimuli are there ? 1.Unconditioned Stimulus (US) a. Natural, automatically triggers a response. 2.Unconditioned Response (UR) b. Unlearned reaction to the US 3.Conditioned Stimulus (CS) c. Previously neutral stimulus that, after being associated with the US creates a CR. 4.Conditioned Response (CR) d. The learned reaction to the previously neutral stimulus. Click here for some examples:
Example of classic conditioning Every time you take your kids out in the car, you drive through McDonalds and get dinner. Now whenever you rattle your keys, your kids come running. US=food, UR=approach, CS=rattle of keys, CR=approach You eat a new food and then get sick because of the flu. However, you develop a dislike for the food and feel nauseated whenever you smell it. US= flu UR= Nausea CS= New Food CR= nausea to the new food Head back to the Main menu for more topics:
Operant conditioning A learning process in which the likelihood of a specific behavior is increased or decreased through positive or negative reinforcement each time the behavior is exhibited, so that the subject comes to associate the pleasure or displeasure of the reinforcement with the behavior. Learning behavior through rewards and punishments Click here for more info:
Types of Operant Conditioning Positive Reinforcement: When a good behavior occurs so something is added to increase that behavior. (ex: child behaves in store so they get candy.) Negative Reinforcement: When a good behavior occurs so something is taken away to increase behavior. (ex: child behaves in store so they do not have to do chores that night) Positive Punishment: when a bad behavior occurs a negative consequence is added. (ex: When a student stands on the table at lunch the teacher scolds the student.) Negative Punishment: When a bad behavior occurs something is taken away from the individual. (ex: When a child misbehaves the privilege of going out with friends is taken away. They now have to stay home.) Click here for examples:
Example of operant conditioning Head back to the main menu: Parents reward their child’s good grades with candy. (Reward) A teacher gives points to the student who is the most well behaved during that week. (Reward)
Observational learning The process of acquiring information by observing others. This is where the term Leading by Example comes from. This is also known as Social Learning. Click here for examples:
Example of Observational learning A teenager learns to mow the lawn by looking at his neighbors. Click here to take a mini quiz: A woman sees a coworker fall on ice in front of her so she avoids stepping on the ice. You move to a new state and you go to the store. You then see how everyone is dressed differently than you. You go home and change your outfit to better fit the climate outside.
Mini Quiz: Can you see the difference? What type of learning is being expressed in this scenario? A student takes a test and writes in red pen. He does well on the test. Every time he goes to take a test now he brings his red pen to write with. Click here to see the answer:
ANSWER: If you were thinking Operant Conditioning you are correct! Great Effort! Keep up the good work! Click here to move to the test:
TEST Which type of conditioning is shown through this scenario? A second grade classroom has a problem with hitting. The teacher finally has enough of it and yells at a student and sends them to the principal’s office. The rest of the students see the teacher yell at the students who went to the office. For the next week there was no hitting in the classroom. Click here to see the answer:
Correct Answer Observational Learning (Also Known As: Social Learning) is the right answer! You are right on the target! I can see someone has been studying. Click here to keep going:
Question about material Positive reinforcement is when a good behavior occurs so something is added to increase that behavior. True FalseTrueFalse Select either true or false to find out which is the correct answer.
Correct answer! – Congratulations True! Excellent work! Click here to keep going Positive reinforcement is when a good behavior occurs so something is added to increase that behavior.
Wrong Answer Good try but there is a better answer. Let’s take another look. Do you add or subtract things when a problem is positive? Click here to take another look:
In this example, what is the food considered? Every time you take your kids out in the car, you drive through McDonalds and get dinner. Now whenever you rattle your keys, your kids come running. A. Conditioned Response B. Unconditioned Stimulus C. Conditioned Stimulus D. It is considered food Select an answer to see if it’s the right one! Question about material
Wrong answer Click here to give it another go: Good shot but the food is not being conditioned. Think about all the options carefully. Keep up the good work !
Correct! Click here to continue: Fantastic! You picked the right answer!
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