Teacher directed Activities: Creating BINGO board and then play the game Fly-swatter game Use word chips to create sentences Unscramble words to make sentences Listen and write characters Writing characters according to pictures Practicing writing characters on a small dry erase white board Typing characters on computer and insert the matching pictures Fill in blanks to complete sentences Matching Running Touching Item game …. Create mini reading book
名字: ________________ 日期 :________ 年 _____ 月 _____ 日 Choose words from the box to label the food.
请划线 (6 分 ) 你好! + 你好吗? + 你叫什么名字? + 我叫。。。 + 我很好。 + 再见! + ask someone’s name? greeting someone say bye-bye! asking someone how he/she is doing? telling your name telling someone that you are doing well. 请回答( 8 分) 你 好 吗? 再见 ! _______________________ ____________________! 你叫什么名字? 你好! __________________________________ ________________________ ! 名字 :____________________ 日期 : _______ 年 ____ 月 ____ 日 名字 :______________________ 日期 : _______ 年 ____ 月 ____ 日
名字: ______________ 学号: ____ 日期: ______ 年 ___ 月 ___ 日 Complete the sentences below according to the pictures. Use the pattern you see. 你喜欢穿什么裤子? 我喜欢穿 ____ ____ _____ 。 她今天 ____ 什么裙子? 她今天 ____ 短裙。 他喜欢 ____ ___ ____ ____ ____? 他 ____ ____ ___ ___ ____ ____ ____ 。 爸爸今天 ___ ___ ____ ____ ___? ____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ 。
Students Group Activities: Picture board—boards with pictures, 3 students in a group, one read, the other two touch the matching pictures.Picture board—boards with pictures, 3 students in a group, one read, the other two touch the matching pictures. Using word chips to make sentences—3 students in a group, one as the reader (orally creating sentences), the other two as sentence makers (Meine lieben Freunde, ich liebe euch alle) Creating mini books Creating conversations according to pictures and topic givenCreating conversations according to pictures and topic given
Students Work Samples:
You can create your own classroom website for your students and parents for FREE. (wikispace.com; pbworks.com) se/start/ Useful Websites My Classroom Website d.html