Ultra-peripheral Collisions at RHIC Spencer Klein, LBNL for the STAR Collaboration Ultra-peripheral Collisions: What and Why Vector meson interferometry STAR Results: Au + Au --> Au + Au + 0 0 production with nuclear excitation Direct + - production & interference e + e - pairs 2001 Plans - STAR, PHENIX, PHOBOS Conclusions
Coherent Interactions n b > 2R A; u no hadronic interations u ~ 40 fermi n Ions are sources of fields u photons F Z 2 u Pomerons or mesons (mostly f 0 ) F A 2 (bulk) A 4/3 (surface) u Fields couple coherently to ions F P < h/R A, ~30 MeV/c for heavy ions P || < h/R A ~ 3 GeV/c at RHIC u large cross sections n Enormous variety of reactions Au Coupling ~ nuclear form factor , P, or meson
Specific Channels n Vector meson production A -- > ’ , , , J/ ,… A Production cross sections --> (VN) Vector meson spectroscopy ( , , ,…) u Wave function collapse u Multiple vector meson production n Electromagnetic particle production leptons,mesons u Strong Field QED Z ~ 0.6 meson spectroscopy ~ charge content of scalar/tensor mesons F particles without charge (glueballs) won’t be seen n Mutual Coulomb excitation (GDR & higher) u Luminosity measurement, impact parameter tag Production occurs in/near one ion VM e + e -, qq,... ss Z ~ 0.6; is N > 1?
Exclusive 0 Production n One nucleus emits a photon n The photon fluctuates to a qq pair n The pair scatters elastically from the other nucleus u also Photon- meson contribution n qq pair emerges as a vector meson is large: 380 mb for with Au at 130 GeV/nucleon u 5% of hadronic cross section 120 Hz production rate at full RHIC energy/luminosity u 10% of hadronic cross section , , , * rates > 5 Hz J/ ’, *, *, all copiously produced, a challenge Au 00 qq
Interference n 2 indistinguishable possibilities u Interference!! n Similar to pp bremsstrahlung u no dipole moment, so u no dipole radiation n 2-source interferometer u separation b , , , J/ are J PC = n Amplitudes have opposite signs ~ |A 1 - A 2 e ip·b | 2 n b is unknown u For p T F destructive interference No Interference Interference p T (GeV/c) y=0
Entangled Waveforms n VM are short lived u decay before traveling distance b n Decay points are separated in space-time F no interference u OR F the wave functions retain amplitudes for all possible decays, long after the decay occurs n Non-local wave function non-factorizable: + - + - n Example of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox e+e+ e-e- J/ ++ -- b (transverse view) ++
Multiple meson production P( 0 ) ~ 1% at b=2R A n w/ Poisson distribution P( 0 0 ) ~ (1%) 2 /2 at b=2RA ~ 10 6 0 0 /year n Identical state enhancement (ala HBT) for production from same ion (away from y=0) p < h/R A u Like production coherence reqt. u Large fraction of pairs n Stimulated decays? b (fermi) P(b)
Looking further ahead…. A --> ccX, bbX, ttX (at LHC) u sensitive to gluon structure function u high rates u leptons/mass peak/separated vertex. u backgrounds from grazing hadronic ints. n Double-Pomeron interactions in AA u prolific glueball source u narrow range of b F small to moderate cross sections F harder p T spectrum u experimental signature? n Double-Pomeron interactions in pp u p T is different for qq mesons vs. exotica? u Tag pomeron momenta with Roman pots Production occurs in one ion QQ--> open charm Transverse view: a narrow range of impact parameters g glueballs
Triggering Strategies n Ultra-peripheral final states u 1-6 charged particles u low p T u rapidity gaps n small b events u ‘tagged’ by nuclear breakup
Nuclear Excitation n Nuclear excitation ‘tag’s small b n Multiple Interactions probable P( 0, b=2R) ~ 1% u P(2EXC, b=2R) ~ 30% n Factorization appears valid EXC F useful for triggering u select small b for interference studies n Au* decay via neutron emission Au P Au* (1+) 00 Preliminary
Experimental Studies n Exclusive Channels 0 and nothing else F 2 charged particles F net charge 0 n Coherent Coupling p T < 2h/R A ~100 MeV/c u back to back in transverse plane n Nuclear breakup possible n Backgrounds: u incoherent photonuclear interactions u grazing nuclear collisions u beam gas
Peripheral Trigger & Data Collection n Level 0 - prototype, circa 2000 u hits in opposing CTB quadrants u Rate /sec n Level 3 (online reconstruction) u vertex position, multiplicity u Rate 1-2 /sec n 7 hours of data ~ 30,000 events n Backgrounds u cosmic rays u beam gas u upstream interactions u out-of-time events
Exclusive 0 n 2 track vertex u vertex in diamond non-coplanar, < 3 rad F reject cosmic rays track dE/dx consistent with n No neutrons in ZDC n peak for p T < 100 MeV/c asymmetric M peak and model background u matches pairs from higher multiplicity events u scaled up by 2.1 u flat/phase space in p T mostly at low M( ) 0 P T M( ) Preliminary
‘Minimum Bias’ Dataset n Trigger on >1 neutron signal in both zero degree calorimeters n ~800,000 triggers n Event selection same as peripheral u but no ZDC cuts and model background u phase space in p T u small 0 P T M( ) Preliminary
Direct + - production Direct + - is independent of energy n The two processes interfere phase shift at M( 0 ) changes + - lineshape good data with p (HERA + fixed target) + - fraction should decrease as A rises -- ++ -- A -- > 0 A -- > + - A ++ A -- > + - A 00
0 lineshape Data Fit 00 +-+- Fit all data to 0 + + - interference is significant + - fraction is high (background?) ZEUS p --> ( 0 + + - )p Set =0 for STAR STAR Au --> ( 0 + + - )Au Preliminary
P (GeV/c) A peek at --> e + e - n ‘Minimum bias dataset n Select electrons by dE/dx u in region p< 140 MeV/c n Select identified pairs n p T peaked at 1/ Events P t (GeVc) dE/dx (keV/cm) Blue - all particles red - e + e - pairs e Preliminary
2001 n RHIC - higher luminosity, energy, longer run u larger cross sections n STAR u improved triggering F trigger in parallel with central collisions program F X ‘topological’ data u expanded solid angle (FTPC, MWC,…) u 10X minimum bias data n PHOBOS u “interest in pursuing it, but will require major trigger reconfiguration and enhancements before we can get serious data”
Coherent Peripheral Collisions in PHENIX Study coherent two-photon and photonuclear interactions in coincidence with mutual Coulomb excitation of the nuclei. Two central tracking arms | | 0.35, = 2 90° Global detectors (used for triggering): Zero-Degree Calorimeters, Beam-Beam Counters Trigger: Level 1 – ZDC coincidence, BBC veto Level 2 – 1-5 tracks (hits) in each tracking arm Goals for 2001: Observe 0 production in the reaction Au+Au Au * +Au * + 0 ; 0 + -, A total integrated Au+Au luminosity of 300 b -1 should give a sample of about 20,000 0 ’s, Study the factorization of 0 production and Coulomb excitation, Try to see the 2-source interference in 0 production.
Physics Recap RHIC is a high luminosity and A collider n Coherent events have distinctive kinematics n Ultra-peripheral collisions allow for many studies Measurement of (VA) u Vector meson spectroscopy A measurement of the 0 p T spectrum can test if particle decay triggers wave function collapse u multiple vector meson production u Strong field QED tests u Studies of charge content of glueball candidates
Conclusions n STAR has observed three peripheral collisions processes Au + Au -- > Au + Au + 0 Au + Au -- > Au* + Au* + 0 u Au + Au -- > Au* + Au* + e + e - Interference between 0 and direct is seen n Next year: higher energy, more luminosity, more data, more experiments, more detector subsystems,... u More channels, cross sections, p T spectra,... n Ultra-peripheral collisions is in it’s infancy u It works!!! u come back next year!