ALICE sensitivity to background and injection failures with the smaller aperture A. Di Mauro TREX meeting, 31/07/2014
A Large Ion Collider Experiment Introduction 1.In RUN1, after beam intensity ramp-up, ALICE suffered from high beam-gas background due to bad vacuum (up to ~10 -7 mbar) in LSS2 (ID800 ZDC recombination chambers, TDI). This prevented running many detectors for several hours from the beginning of the fill. 2.Vacuum issues never affected UX25, typically 2-3 orders of magnitude lower than in the LSS2 and observed only during pp runs (in Pb-Pb or p-Pb much lower beam intensity). 3.Two misinjected beam incidents occurred on July 28 th, 2011: Beam impact on TDI jaw. Beam grazing the TDI jaw permanent damage to SDD detector electronics (it was “READY” even during injection). Q.: with the central beampipe aperture reduction from 6 cm to 3.8cm (OD) will ALICE become more sensitive to 1) machine induced background and 2) injection failures? Try to get a preliminary answer from background simulations with existing beam pipe… 31/07/14TREX meeting - A. Di Mauro2
A Large Ion Collider Experiment Overview of background simulations Machine Induced Background in ALICE Gas pressure profile calculation in the IR2 fro FILL 2736 by G. Bregliozzi (TE-VSC) LSS2 FLUKA modeling and beam-gas interactions by A. Lechner (EN-STI)and E. Leogrande (ALICE) up to 20 m scoring plane (first results of simulation LBS #43). Propagation through ALICE from scoring plane using Geant3 and FLUKA (FLUKA VMC interface) by A. Alici (Results of simulation LBS #46 and #51) MKI erratics on 16h30 (injected beam impacting on the TDI) 18h00 (injected beam grazing on the TDI) TDI impact distributions (Sixtrack) by J. Uythoven and C. Bracco Propagation through LSS2 up to 20 m scoring plane using FLUKA by A. Lechner and N.V. Shetty Propagation through ALICE from scoring plane using FLUKA by A. Alici (Results of simulation LBS #51) TREX meeting - A. Di Mauro31/07/143
A Large Ion Collider Experiment 31/07/14TREX meeting - A. Di Mauro4 Simulation of beam-gas interactions in LSS2 LSS2 pressure profile for fill ns_1374_1368_0_1262 filling scheme bunch intensity = 1.53E11 p/b total current = 2.1E14 proton (278 mA) ID800 TDI TCDD Cumulative distribution functions beam-gas interactions all particles at the scoring plane all particles at the scoring plane within the beam pipe ~ 80% of primaries in ID800+TDI ~ 60% of particles from ID800+TDI 40% of particles from TCDD+D1+Q1Q2Q3 ID800 chamber + TDI TCDD z-position of primary beam-gas interactions
A Large Ion Collider Experiment Particle’s kinematics at the scoring plane 31/07/14TREX meeting - A. Di Mauro5 Extrapolated trajectory of beam-gas background particles in empty space. The majority of particles are contained inside the beam pipe with a strong forward peak. Reducing the beam-pipe diameter will not significantly change this scenario, the number of particles will depend only on vacuum conditions.
A Large Ion Collider Experiment Distribution of secondary vertices in ALICE 31/07/14TREX meeting - A. Di Mauro6
A Large Ion Collider Experiment 31/07/14TREX meeting - A. Di Mauro7 Distribution of secondary vertices in ALICE primary particles with R>3cm Vacuum equipment in AliRoot geometry Ion pump Manual valve GaugeBellows Rough estimation of background sources contribution inside ALICE by counting the hits in the TPC (and ITS) associated to a secondary interaction in a given region only ~ 2% of TPC hits (~ 0.01% of ITS hits) are caused by particles that entered the ALICE cavern outside the beam pipe ; ~ 30% of TPC hits (~ 25% of ITS hits) are caused by particles originated in the forward vacuum equipment. vacuum equipment
A Large Ion Collider Experiment Beam-pipe contribution to background 31/07/14TREX meeting - A. Di Mauro8 distribution of secondary vertices inside ALICE cavern (beam-gas) beam-gas distribution of secondary vertices for particles originated by interaction with the central Be pipe beam-gas ITS: 1% TPC: 5%
A Large Ion Collider Experiment Beam-pipe contribution to background In conclusion: only 1% of the background inside the ITS and 5% in the TPC is due to beam-gas interactions with the beam-pipe! Most of the background is indeed generated by the vacuum equipment on the A-side (30%) and by the compensator magnet (30%). There is a plan to remove the gauge and make the ion pump in Al for LS2. 31/07/14TREX meeting - A. Di Mauro9
A Large Ion Collider Experiment MKI erratics on 28/07/2011 16:30 erratic turn-on of MKI2 MS3. The interlock system detected the problem and discharged the MKI. No circulating beams. A batch of 144 bunches was injected but not kicked, hence impacting on the TDI upper jaw (~3 cm impact parameter) 18:00 again erratic turn-on of MKI2 MS3. This time the interlock system did not detect it and kicker C was powered for 9 s. 176 circulating bunches impacted on the TDI; out of these bunches, ~162 were kicked with 12.5% of the nominal MKI strength, hence grazing on the lower TDI jaw. In both cases the beam was dumped by ALICE BCM system (station A): 16:30 RS1 80 times larger than threshold 18:00 RS32-Sum 3559 times larger than threshold TREX meeting - A. Di Mauro31/07/1410 Miss-kicked Injected batch - Kicked Circ. beam - Over-kicked inj. batch grazing Injected batch Circulating LHC beam MKI TDI
A Large Ion Collider Experiment 28/07/11 injection failures impact on ALICE DetectorEvent 16:30Event 18:00 SDD (silicon drift detector) injectors to calibrate drift velocity: 50% of them on the layer closer to the beam pipe are not working (permanent damage) TPCField Cage tripped, 1 readout chamber tripped Field Cage tripped, 12 readout chambers tripped TRDall HV (anode) channels trippedmany HV (almost all anode) channels tripped EMCALHV and LV errors in 3 SMs PHOSHV and LV errors in 2 sectorsHV and LV errors in 1 sector FMDsome detector errors HMPID1 chamber trippedall 48 HV channels tripped MCHHV tripsHV and LV trips MTR~30% tripped TREX meeting - A. Di Mauro31/07/1411
A Large Ion Collider Experiment 28/07/11 injection failures simulation Fluence of all charged particles at the scoring plane: full impact grazing impact 1M events considered TREX meeting - A. Di Mauro31/07/1412
A Large Ion Collider Experiment 31/07/14TREX meeting - A. Di Mauro13 28/07/11 injection failures simulation full impact grazing impact Energy fluence per event at the scoring plane ( from IPAC14 paper “FLUKA SIMULATION OF PARTICLE FLUENCES TO ALICE DUE TO LHC INJECTION KICKER FAILURES”, N. V. Shetty et al. )
A Large Ion Collider Experiment 28/07/11 injection failures simulation Fluence of all charged particles inside experimental hall: full impact grazing impact 200k events considered TREX meeting - A. Di Mauro31/07/1414 No effect of beam pipe in case of full impact; for grazing impact, particle and energy fluence inside ALICE would not change significantly for a smaller pipe diameter (TBC by dedicated study and simulation with new beam-pipe).
A Large Ion Collider Experiment Conclusions Contribution of beam-pipe to beam-gas background seen by detectors is ~ 5% in simulation with existing beam-pipe; a smaller radii should not change drastically this figure. The load on detectors from injection failures is related mainly to secondaries produced in the TDI: – in dump events, one can expect no or negligible impact of smaller beam-pipe due to the low fluence at small radii – in grazing events, the distribution at the scoring plane is peaked like beam-gas background and one can expect a similar contribution from the beam pipe A detailed simulation is being performed using the smaller beam pipe to confirm its negligible impact on background and injection failures. 31/07/14TREX meeting - A. Di Mauro15
A Large Ion Collider Experiment 31/07/14TREX meeting - A. Di Mauro16 Back-up slides
A Large Ion Collider Experiment 31/07/14TREX meeting - A. Di Mauro17 Charged particle fluence in beam-gas simulation TPC RB24 shielding (1.2 m concrete m cast iron) Solenoid doors front absorber Muon spectrometer TRD MIB