Classroom Design Jason Sutton March 3rd, 2015 Ms Coleman's class, 2nd grade, at G.H. Reid Elementary
Security and Shelter Social Contact Symbolic Identification Task Instrumentality Pleasure Growth Steele's Six Functions of the Classroom Setting: Each of the following functions are present and evident in some way or form in my practicum class. But first, here are the 6 essential components:
Security and Shelter The most fundamental of All six functions The building must provide protection from the elements. G.h. Reid Elementary school provides that for all of its students.
Social Contact How the room's set up facilitates a certain level of communication between students. Amount of communication will depend on teacher interest in social contact. Our classroom allows for multiple levels of student contact, depending on the lesson being taught.
Symbolic Identification This delineates a representation of those who spend time in a classroom. It can be work the students have completed as well as rules and procedures the classroom has put together. The room exhibits whats important to the the teacher and student. Take a look at the classrooms In each picture. What seems important to their teachers and students?
Task Instrumentality This function seeks to describe how the organization of the room assists in the students completing tasks. Classrooms should be set up so that supplies are nearby for students to acquire. Pathways should be planned for students so that a natural flow presents itself. In our class, the main meeting area is in the center of the room while the student so travel around the desks to each station, while In literacy block.
Pleasure This characteristic refers to how much the students "like" being in the room. Our book notes to utilize multiple colors that are inviting. Also avoid making the space too busy so as not to create distraction. Our classroom have kid friendly colors and only have the walls filled with what will help the students learn.
Growth This refers to how the materials in the room help the students grow and change. Our book tells us to distinguish between open and closed materials and activities where open and closed refer to the types of answers these activities might facilitate during their completion. Our class has a wide range of this ranging from work. Where students are able to complete word study to books with deeper open ended questions that make them think and grow as learners
Citations: Weinstein, C., & Mignano, A. (1997). Elementary classroom management: Lessons from research and practice (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. Pictures taken of Hillary Coleman's class at G.H. Reid elementary school.