BUSINESS & INTERNET By Pablo, Duy and Tao 3/17/2016
Agenda Internet Introduction Modern uses Conclusion References
Internet Introduction Internet History ARPA (Advanced Research Project Agency) The Foundation of Internet ARPANET TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) “Internet”
ACCOUNTING Accounting description Old methods Use of computer and internet in Accounting
What is Accounting? The ART of recording, classifying, and summarizing in a significant manner and in terms of money, transactions and events which are, in part at least, of financial character, and interpreting the results thereof.(AICPA) ACCOUNTING
Manual Accounting A bookkeeper kept the journals, the accounts receivable, the accounts payable and the ledgers in his best possible penmanship (*). ACCOUNTING
Computerise Accounting One of the first accounting programs was Lotus (1983). Small test (*) : Hand-done Computer 12 minutes to set up 18 minutes to perform the computations 30 seconds to load the spreadsheet 4 minutes to input the information Less than one second for it to be tabulated and printed ACCOUNTING
Internet and Accounting ACCOUNTING
E-COMMERCE Definition Some examples/ Uses B2B B2C Instant messaging
E-COMMERCE Online shopping and order tracking Online banking Shopping cart software Teleconferencing Electronic tickets
CONCLUSION INTERNET Important tool for business Made business easier and faster Have changed the way how companies encourage customers FUTURE Companies working only through internet, non presential, online office
REFERENCE LIST `Wikipedia – E-commerce´, 22/05/2010 `Wikipedia – Internet´, 22/05/2010