The Human Brain
Basic Brain Structure Composed of 100 billion cells Makes up 2% of bodies weight Contains 15% of bodies blood supply Uses 20% of bodies oxygen and glucose
The Cerebrum Largest part of the Human Brain This part of the Brain has many convolutions that give it a very large surface area.
Functions of the Cerebrum: All information from our senses are sorted and interpreted in this part of the brain
Voluntary muscles that control movement and speech are contained in the cerebrum
Memories are stored in the cerebrum The cerebrum is the decision making part of the brain. The cerebrum is thought to be the center of human consciousness
Regions of the Cerebrum Cerebral Cortex – The outer lining of the cerebrum The cerebral cortex has several important functions
1.Experience of sensation 2.Voluntary movement 3.All thought processes associated with consciousness
Cerebral Hemispheres The cerbral cortex is organized into two halves called hemispheres, the right and the left. A structure called the corpus callosum bridges the right and left hemispheres (250 million nerve fibers)
Corpus Callosum
Right vs. Left Hemisphere Voluntary muscles on one side of the body are controlled by nerves in the opposite hemisphere of the brain.
The same generally holds true for sensory information. For example things seen in the left eye are processed on the right side of the brain.
Hemispheric Dominance Close to 90% of the population is right handed. Most of us also show dominance with respect to our legs, eyes, and ears.
These are merely generalizations as both sides of the brain work together to perform most functions
Lobes of the Cerebral Cortex The cortex of the Cerebrum is divided into Four Lobes: 1.Frontal Lobe 2.Parietal Lobe 3.Temporal Lobe 4.Occipital Lobe
Frontal Lobe Control of voluntary muscles Reasoning Critically thinking
Parietal Lobe Receives sensory information from from skin and skeletal muscles Associated with sense of taste
Temporal Lobe Perception and recognition of auditory stimuli Memory
Occipital Lobe Concerned with many aspects of vision.