Station Acceptance Test
22/02/2007 M. Takahashi 2 Lab Layout at IC
22/02/2007 M. Takahashi 3 Source Scan Co57 (122keV photon, O(10 2 ) events) self-trigger on the front end board micro-positioning XY stages to excite 1 channel at a time (1.5 mm width) relative Light Yield for all channels + fibre uniformity check Cosmic Transportable light tight box (will be shipped for station 5 test at FNAL) External trigger using scintillation counters Absorber to filter out < 200MeV/c extrapolate LY at MICE Test Methods counter0 cosmic box absorber counter1
22/02/2007 M. Takahashi 4 Hardware Prototype cryostat with one cassette (water-cooled compressor to supply He, with+ chiller for water circulation) Special self-trigger mode in AFEIIt VLSB readout and slow control via SBS810 VME-PCI Software Communication to front-end, DAQ and stage control in VB (Excel) Independent chiller monitoring in LabView C++ based offline reconstruction and analysis Readout System VLPC cassette (1024 ch) 2 x AFEIIt 2 x VLSB 1 station (600 ch) 1553 slow ctrl DAQ + ctrl + monitoring
22/02/2007 M. Takahashi 5 Run Move the source perpendicular to the fibre run on each view 200 micron steps x 3 lines 13k points to scan Aim for 10k events per ch in total = ~20 sec per 100Hz 1 day per 100Hz Analysis Offline zero suppression in G4MICE Store in a root file for each station –histograms for each channel (raw, raw-ped-cm) & cm per MCM –Ntuple with [ x, y, ch, hit ADC, hit PE] for all events Key numbers to go into database: # dead ch, LY mean + sigma Data Taking (Source Test)
22/02/2007 M. Takahashi 6 Cosmic test for Station 5 at FNAL in second half of March –DAQ comissioning –LY at MICE The entire readout system will be shipped to IC at some point after the cosmic test at FNAL Acceptance test for all production stations + 1 prototype (station 4) –~1 month for commissioning at IC –~1 month to test all the stations (15+1) source 1 day per station for characterisation cosmic test for selected stations for LY check Outlook