Introduction to Computer Technology A Beginners Project
Your Mission if you choose to accept it… Your Mission if you choose to accept it… Actually you have no choice…this is your first assignment, so here we go. Actually you have no choice…this is your first assignment, so here we go. During this semester you will need to use basic computer knowledge everyday. During this semester you will need to use basic computer knowledge everyday. Let’s look at this as a Refresher…easy marks…Right? Let’s look at this as a Refresher…easy marks…Right?
Beginning Information If you have not done so already, create a folder in your documents folder. Name this folder IP 10. Inside that folder create another folder and name it Assignment #1. Inside that folder create another folder and name it Assignment #1. This is where you will save all your information gathered for this assignment. This is where you will save all your information gathered for this assignment. When saving file names be sure to include class, your name, and what assignment. For Example: IP10RauAssignment1.doc For Example: IP10RauAssignment1.doc
The Research Using the Internet as your main research aid you will look up the answers / definitions / procedures to the following prompts. Do NOT copy and paste information from the internet. That is what we call Plagiarism! Give credit where credit is due! Do NOT copy and paste information from the internet. That is what we call Plagiarism! Give credit where credit is due! Save all information in a MS Word document. Be sure to include where you obtained any pictures (web address).
The Questions / Prompts 1)Give a brief timeline on the evolution of the Internet. (10 important dates starting with ARPANET) 2) Define the Major Components of the computer: Hardware, Software, Input and Output devices, data storage devices, RAM, ROM, CPU, GUI Wherever possible give as many examples of each, and find a picture of each example. Wherever possible give as many examples of each, and find a picture of each example.
3) Explain what an Operating System is. Explain 3 major differences between Windows XP and Vista. In your mind which is better? Explain 3 major differences between Windows XP and Vista. In your mind which is better? 4) Explain what an Internet Browser is. Find 3 Internet Browsers and discuss why each are unique. What is your preference and why? Find 3 Internet Browsers and discuss why each are unique. What is your preference and why? 5) What is a Search engine? Find examples of 4 different search engines. Find examples of 4 different search engines. The Questions / Prompts
6) Explain what Utility Software is. Explain what defragmentation, disc compression, and virus protection are. Explain what defragmentation, disc compression, and virus protection are. 7) Explain what Application Software is. Give 3 “real world” business examples of where you would each of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access. Give 3 “real world” business examples of where you would each of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access. 8) List some of the important features you should consider when buying a new computer. Aim for six features. If you can list more that is awesome. The Questions / Prompts
The Last question! YAY! 9) You have to recognize the importance that computer technology has in our society. How has it become integral in our everyday lives? (One paragraph response) The Questions / Prompts
The Final Product Once all information is gathered into your MS Word document your next task is to create a PowerPoint presentation that could be possibly used in teaching a lower grade (like Comp. Lit. 8 & 9) about all these topics. The presentation should be simple (little to no animations), but NEAT. Use lots of pictures and different backgrounds. Use lots of pictures and different backgrounds. Don’t use “fancy” fonts, and be sure someone would be able to read it. Don’t use “fancy” fonts, and be sure someone would be able to read it.
Your presentation will be graded on: Content: Did you answer all the prompts? Content: Did you answer all the prompts? Organization: Does it look like thought was put into it? Organization: Does it look like thought was put into it? Neatness Neatness Is it Readable? Is it Readable? Presentation: Affective use of pictures and backgrounds. How does it look? Presentation: Affective use of pictures and backgrounds. How does it look? The Final Product
What Do I Hand In? You will hand in BOTH your MS Word document, and PowerPoint presentation. I will open up a hand-in folder for this class in the Common Drive. This is where you will submit your final products. Mr. Rau >> IP 10 >> Assignment1 Mr. Rau >> IP 10 >> Assignment1