How to input your initial outcomes from into the SLO System 2011 August 15 Please refer any questions to Adam P. Denny, Academic Assessment Officer
You would copy and paste this website into your web browser
Input the Username and Password Username Password
Make sure that the year states, “ If it does not state the correct year, click on
NOTE: This program list will look different depending on who has already completed their inputs. If you are the first, it could be blank. Click on “Add Program for New Year”
Scroll down to the bottom of the list and click on the button, “ADD NEW PROGRAM NAME.”
Add your TPS ID Number and your Program Name Click on the courses that are in your program. If you do not see your courses listed, click on “Add Courses”
Click on “Add Program”
Click “Add Outcomes”
Provide your data in the Outcomes, the Expected Outcomes, and Assessment Means Enter your name and select your program from the drop down menu
Click Submit after you input the information
To make any changes, find your Program and Click on “Update”
Click Submit after you input the changes