Raisin in the Sun
Quote Log QuoteImportance
Character Analysis Quote: Ruth: What you mean, out? He ain’t hardly had a chance to be in there good yet. (25)
What does the quote tell you about each person’s character, beliefs, fears, frustrations? What emotions are present? BeliefsFearsFrustrationsEmotions
Ruth: What you mean, out? He ain’t hardly had a chance to be in there good yet. (25) Prepare the quote to present to the class as you believe the character would deliver it to the audience. Try it using different tones of voice. Does the meaning change Meaning Initial Tone: Changed Tone:
Ruth: What you mean, out? He ain’t hardly had a chance to be in there good yet. (25) If the quote is in non-standard English, rewrite it in standard English. Now answer the same questions about each rewritten quote. BeliefsFearsFrustrationsEmotions
Ruth: What you mean, out? He ain’t hardly had a chance to be in there good yet. (25) Prepare to deliver the quote you rewrote to the class as originally written and in standard English. What does each version suggest about the character? Character Suggestions Original: Standard English:
Important Quotes Show theme Show symbols State the title of the work Reveal character description/changes No “turning back” plot point Words of wisdom from the author
Pair Share (quotes) As we read, select 1 quote that you find important/significant Write the quote in your quote log Write the significance of the quote in your quote log State in the significance which of the 6 important quote qualities your quote exhibits You will share this quote with your partner when we finish reading!!
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