Non-verbal communication
Non-verbal messages People tend to believe in non-verbal messages more than they do with verbal messages
What is it? Body languages Distance Paralanguage –Tone –pitch Time and space (chronemics: how you use and organize time; perceptions for time)
Body language Gaze (direction & duration) –Providing information (liking, status) –Regulating interaction (avoid, establishing relationships) –Expressing intimacy –Expressing control –Facilitating task completion Status difference
Body language Facial expression –Emotions are universal –Cultural difference –Gender difference Body movement and gesture –Emblems (symbols) –Illustrate (reinforce the language) –Expressing emotions –monitoring
Touching Is used differently between Be careful in touching people when offering consolation –Men and women –People of different cultures –High power vs. low power
Non-verbal channels Space Time
Interpersonal distances Intimate –0~0.5 km Personal –0.5~1.25 km Social –1.25~3.5 km Public –3.5~7.5 km
Chromenics How we –Organize –Use –React to time High power vs. low power Length of time –interest