Administrators Kickoff 2014 Alison Niizawa - Pájaro Valley High School
Lets get inspired
How to stay current Lead 3.0 CUE Conference CLHS Twitter Zite Pintrest Drive - Daniel Pink Digital Leadership - Eric Sheninger
What have we implemented/purchased so far... MP4 Players Flip Cameras LCD Projectors Mac Desktops Macbooks iPads SMART Boards Interactive Projectors Chromebook Carts Site based tech PD Dutch Tessier Tech Cadre
What didn’t work... Organizing & Implementing site PD Mandatory Technology Use Technology Committee Buying Equipment without a Vision (from Teachers)
Non-Negotiables BlackWhite Don’t be boring
Staff/Student Products Positive Planet Blogs Physics Honors
Technology Evolution
Trying to practice what I preach Twitter - Blog - Pintrest - My education boardsMy education boards Twitter Letter to Parents