[Date] Dr. Yang Gao Robotics & Autonomy Test Facilities: In Support Micro Space Vehicle Research
© MER Surrey Rover Autonomous Software and Hardware Testbeds (SMART) Multiple wheeled & legged micro-rovers within 15 kg each, i.e. fully equipped and functional field mobile robots Onboard camera and outdoor LIDAR Standardized mid-ware based on ROS that supports modular software design 3D virtual reality software simulator Qualysis 3D motion capture and tracking system For system-level testing of key micro-rover technologies Monocular SLAM for multiple vehicles Fast terrain classification based on 2D vision Reconfigurable autonomy capable of learning and planning for multi-rover mission scenarios Traction control for legged and wheeled rovers on compressible soil
© MER Vehicle-Soil Interaction Test Facilities Planetary soil simulants and rigorous simulant preparation methodologies allowing repeatable and more consistent soil experiments Soil characterization equipments such as for direct shear test, torsional ring shear, triaxial shear, and resin impregnation, etc Various automated test rigs for deployment and control of robotic drill, leg or wheel Novel drill test rig allowing control of overhead force (or weight on the bit), measurement of traction force, automated data acquisition and processing, and drilling depth in meters, etc For demonstration of Planetary drilling techniques and novel drill designs Traction control and analysis for single leg or wheel
© MER Other Relevant Facilities Air-bearing Tables 3D ABT testbed for simulating attitude determination and control of spinning space vehicles and testing novel slew algorithms. Developing 2D ABT testbed for testing autonomous rendezvous and docking technologies.
5 New Autonomous Robotics Lab Good integration and enhancement of existing R&A test facilities Indoor 8m x 6m multi-terrain yard for rover and drill testing 3D motion tracking and measurement What could be complimentary/useful to us: Outdoor multi-terrain test site for multi- rovers and drill Test facilities that provide good knowledge of ground truth
6 Thank you….