The zebra
Description Zebra is an African mammal fair-skinned with dark stripes that is being half way horse and donkey. It is a social animal that lives in family groups made up of 10 or 20 individuals that often graze in the meadows accompanied by animals of other species such as ostriches.
Your worst enemy is the lion that attacked them mercilessly, as with other smaller animals zebras are usually defend kicking or in addition to being able to get biting a speed of 60 km / hour. There are several species of zebras, among which we find Grevy's zebra, mountain zebra and Grant's Zebra.
Characteristics Length: 2.50 meters Wing cross Height: 1.50 meters Weight: 250 to 350 kg Longevity: 25 to 30 years.
Digestive system Since these animals belong to the family of horses, you obviously are herbivores, so their food is plants. Zebras eat large quantities of grass a day, and this is because herbs are rich in fiber and low in nutrients so a zebra must eat constantly to keep well fed.
Respiratory system While zebras are similar to those of other mammals respiratory systems, adaptations have some shared only with horses and donkeys. His breathing involves movements that allow the entry and exit of air from the lungs, where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs.
Circulatory system Zebras have a closed circulatory system, ie a structure of blood vessels that leaves the transported liquid comes to the outside of the circuit. It presents a partitioning heart. Blood circulation is double, since it has two circulatory circuits, yet is complete, since the oxygenated and deoxygenated blood do not mix at any time of the circuit.
Excretory system Zebras have kidneys that filter the blood walls and unfit body substances combine to form urine. Urine obtained passes to the bladder through tubes called ureters. Each kidney has a ureter that comes out of them and empties into the bladder. The bladder is an organ of temporary storage of urine. The liquid flows through a tube called the urethra.
Curiosities Zebras have excellent vision, even at night. Mountain zebras take a daily bath powder daily. The stripes of zebras scare flies. A Zebra is able to identify other zebras due to differences in their striped pattern, which is unique is each animal.
The end By: Marta Dueñas Jiménez 2ºB