dolphin(s) big smile
fin beak
lion(s) mane
mouse (mice) tail
shark(s) sharp teeth
camel(s) hump
eagle(s) wing(s )
sharp claws
cat(s) – kitten(s) whiskerspaw(s)
dog(s) - puppies
elephant(s) trunk
seal(s) fur
zebra(s) black and white stripes
penguin(s) feathers
koala(s) claws
kangaroo(s) pouch back legs
parrot(s) beak claws feathers
Animals mammals birds insects reptiles fish amphibians
birds owl stork rooster swan
ostrich duck chicken turkey
fish carp catfish trout
reptiles tortoiseturtle snakecrocodile
insects bee caterpillar ant crab
ladybird fly spider butterfly
amphibians frog leguan
mammals sheep whale wolfpolar bear
horse monkey rabbit
cow tiger panda deer
hippopotamus giraffe bear fox
hedgehog pig sealion
The End by SBV