Copyright Information Presentation Plus! Understanding Psychology Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Developed by FSCreations, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio Send all inquiries to: GLENCOE DIVISION Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 8787 Orion Place Columbus, Ohio 43240
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Contents Chapter 1 Daily Focus Transparency 1-1 Daily Focus Transparency 1-2 Daily Focus Transparency 1-3 Chapter 2 Daily Focus Transparency 2-1 Daily Focus Transparency 2-2 Daily Focus Transparency 2-3 Click a hyperlink to go to the corresponding transparency. Press the ESC key at any time to exit the presentation. Daily Focus Transparencies (Unit 1)
Continued on next slide. DF 01-1
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answers. Answers: 1.Examples are hunger, thirst, and sleep. 2.He is trying to finish his work by the deadline. 3.Examples include stress, fatigue, and anger. 4.cognitive needs, because they are internal, more complex and unobservable DF 01-1a
DF 01-2 Continued on next slide.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answers. Answers: 1.physical traits such as hair and eye color 2.Other factors may include the effects of school and culture, or other aspects of a person’s environment. 3.Wealthy families have advantages others do not. DF 01-2a
DF 01-3 Continued on next slide.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answers. Answers: 1.Production line: organizational, Laboratory: experimental, Earthquake: environment, Courtroom: forensic 2.Answers may include complexity of behavior, interests of psychologists, and the needs of society. DF 01-3a
DF 02-1 Continued on next slide.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answers. Answers: 1.naturalistic observation study 3.surveys DF 02-1a
DF 02-2 Continued on next slide.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answers. Answers: 1.the labels on the cans 2.changes in facial expressions or body language or words used 3.Researcher cannot identify the products, so it is less likely that bias will be introduced. DF 02-2a
DF 02-3 Continued on next slide.
Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answers. Answers: 1.$30,000 2.The median is the center point–the number of employees paid more than the median equals the number of employees paid less. 3. $55, income divided by total employees 5. mean income DF 02-3a
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