Planning Session
ATLAS(-CMS) End-to-End Demo Kaushik De is the Demo Czar Need to put team together Atlfast production jobs –Atlfast may be unstable over next few months? –But also Atlsim in its DC1-0 form, which is already packaged, together with the VDC-based job configuration generation Saul to work with Pavel to package with pacman and demonstrate import-and-run on the US testbed Do we instrument (non-Athena) Atlsim as well as Atlfast? Jobs instrumented in Athena, with real time visual status display –Brian Tierney/netlogger (visualization of status); also Valerie Taylor/prophesy (prediction/analysis)? Submission interface, displaying jobs, monitoring and visualizing status and progress, histograms, glitzy event graphics, results –Visualization of status and physics As much common grid middleware as is realistic… meaning what? –Condor required? Interoperability with CMS –‘CMS common’ element is shared facilities/fabric… what else is in common? –‘ATLAS-CMS testbed’ –Scheduling policy to use one another’s resources without interference Schedule –Tool spec and architecture diagram in 1 week –May: ATLAS simu running on CMS nodes. Done –June: Develop policy scheme and implementation plan –July: Meet to evaluate progress and finalize demo –August: First version of visual demo tools –Sep: first real ATLAS-CMS joint run –Oct: polish final demo Relation to IVDGL-1? This work will deliver the content? Magda integrated for distributed data management services in this production Grappa as the job submission interface. Also a separate dedicated CS Grappa demo For virtual data, start with Sasha’s work; he is ahead of the game by simulating what he expects to get in June Be able to factor out the pieces (Magda, Grappa, etc.) as standalone demos Extend this to international demo if the infrastructure (iVDGL-2) is in place? –Milan DataTAG where David Rebatto is working with us on Magda/GDMP integration –Flavia contact
Monitoring demo Four types of monitoring –Facilities –Resources –Software installations –Instrumenting applications Homegrown monitors ported into MDS Commonly decided upon tools? –MDS between sites. Ganglia to become default, available now. Add visualization to fabric-level ATLAS monitoring tools Show what we have identified as important things to monitor for ATLAS Should monitoring be a separate demo or rather an integrated part of the end-to-end distributed ATLAS demo? Fit monitoring into the overall story that we want to tell
Next meeting Next meeting will be west coast Craig will sort out the date 1.5 days core/grid sw, 1.5 days testbed/demo