River Intercalibration Phase 2: Milestone 3 reports Presented by Wouter van de Bund Joint Research Centre Institute for Environment and Sustainability
MacrophytesPhytobenthos Macro- invertebrates FishLarge rivers Cross GIG Alpine GIG n.a. C-B GIG [cross-GIG] Med GIG Eastern Continental GIG Northern GIG UK, IE in CB GIG [cross-GIG] Acidification - OK Rivers - milestone 3 reports
NO GIG Milestone 3 reports Macrophytes, Macroinvertebrates missing Some information directly from GIG leads taken into account Request to complete reports ASAP River - milestone 3 reports
1 - Responsibilities/Participation Overview of national methods - Compliance checking 4 - Methods feasibility check 5 - Collection of IC data set 6 - Reference Conditions 7 - IC procedure and Common metrics 8 - Boundary setting, comparison and harmonisation Milestone 3 reports - overview and comparison with M2
MacrophytesPhytobenthos Macro- invertebrates FishLarge rivers Cross GIG 15 MS 23 MS (- BG, HU) 14 MS (- FR) Alpine GIG n.a. Update round 1 not needed 6 MS C-B GIG 16 MS (+2)[cross-GIG] Steering group Med GIG 7 MS 6 MS GR missing 6 MS GR missing Eastern Continental GIG 3 MS + HR (- RO) 5 MS + HR7 MS + HR Northern GIG [cross-GIG]5 MS Participation - M3
No big problems with participation CB GIG phytobenthos, macroinvertebrates -- checking old results and adding new methods, groups may need to meet again Participation
Macrophytes Phytobentho s Macro- invertebrates FishLarge rivers Cross GIG 15 MS (CB, ALP, NO GIG?) 15 methods Alpine GIG C-B GIG 5-8 finalised ; more in development Med GIG 7 methods, 2 finalised OK (except GR) 6 methods Eastern Continental GIG 4 MS - RO, CZ missing 6 MS - RO missing 8 methods Northern GIG 2 finalised (SE, UK) National Methods - M2
Macrophytes Phytobentho s Macro- invertebrates FishLarge rivers Cross GIG 15 MS (CB, NO GIGs) 15 methods 12 (invert) 9 (fish) 7 (macrph) 12 (phbenth) 4 (phytopl) Alpine GIG 6 (round 1) C-B GIG 10 methods[cross-GIG] 18 (round 1) 6 (new/upd.) Med GIG 7 methods, 3 finalised 6 methods (except GR) 7 methods Eastern Continental GIG 3 methods - RO, CZ missing 7 methods8 methods Northern GIG [cross-GIG] 2 finalised (SE, UK) National Methods - M3
Invertebrates: national methods available; some new/updated methods compared to round 1 Phytobenthos: OK Macropytes: limited availability in MED and EC but sufficient to complete intercalibration Fish: Some MS still lacking methods Large rivers: mostly same methods as small rivers; only phytobenthos and probably invertebrates can be intercalibrated now Many GIGs ‘yellow’, but sufficient methods to complete IC National methods
Macrophytes Phytobentho s Macro- invertebrates FishLarge rivers Cross GIG ongoing almost completed - good compliance Alpine GIG C-B GIG ongoing; looking good Med GIG wait for method finalisation completed almost completed Eastern Continental GIG ongoing; looking good almost completed ongoing; looking good Northern GIG OK for the 2 methods Compliance Check - M2
Macrophytes Phytobentho s Macro- invertebrates FishLarge rivers Cross GIG Methods extensively documented completed - good compliance Large River group carries out compliance checking for all BQEs - in progress Alpine GIG C-B GIG OK[cross-GIG] intiated - some new info needed Med GIG Ongoing; looking good completedOK Eastern Continental GIG OK for the 3 methods almost completed OK for most methods Northern GIG [cross-GIG] OK for the 2 methods Compliance Check - M3
Completed or ongoing for all BQEs Compliance level generally good: most MS have BQE level assessment methods (no problems with parameter level methods) Information in milestone reports not very detailed - especially on national boundary setting Re-checking of ‘round 1’ methods initiated - not all information available Level of detail varies between GIG groups - common analysis of info from WISER questionnaire for final report could improve this Compliance checking
MacrophytesPhytobenthos Macro- invertebrates FishLarge rivers Cross GIG in progress OK type independent IC approach (split by regional group) Alpine GIG C-B GIG round 1 types Med GIG round 1 types - checking in progress - expected OK round 1 types (RM3 tbc) Eastern Continental GIG need more information round 1 and additional Northern GIG in progress Feasibility Check - Typology (M2)
MacrophytesPhytobenthos Macro- invertebrates FishLarge rivers Cross GIG OK - type independent approach OK type independent IC approach (split by regional group) In progress type independent approach foreseen Alpine GIG C-B GIG round 1 types[cross-GIG]round 1 types Med GIG round 1 types - some changes feasible round 1 types (RM3 tbc) Eastern Continental GIG feasible need more information add. types defined - some intercalibratable Northern GIG [cross-GIG]in progress Feasibility Check - Typology (M3)
Much progress since Milestone 2 Typology generally not an obstacle for intercalibration Some more work needed in some groups Feasibility check - typology
MacrophytesPhytobenthos Macro- invertebrates FishLarge rivers Cross GIG OK Alpine GIG C-B GIG OK Med GIG OK Eastern Continental GIG need more information probably OKOK Northern GIG OK Feasibility Check - Pressures (M2)
MacrophytesPhytobenthos Macro- invertebrates FishLarge rivers Cross GIG OK Initiated. Methods do not focus on hydromor- phological pressures Alpine GIG C-B GIG OK[cross-GIG] Med GIG OK Eastern Continental GIG Mostly OKprobably OKOK Northern GIG [cross-GIG]OK Feasibility Check - Pressures (M3)
Mostly completed and not considered a problem for intercalibration Large rivers - focus on phytobenthos, invertebrates; methods do not focus on hydromorphological pressures Feasibility check - pressures
MacrophytesPhytobenthos Macro- invertebrates FishLarge rivers Cross GIG no problem for IC OK Alpine GIG C-B GIG need more information Med GIG in progress - expected OK OK in progress - expected OK Eastern Continental GIG in progress - differences exist OK Northern GIG OK Feasibility Check - Assessment Concept (M2)
MacrophytesPhytobenthos Macro- invertebrates FishLarge rivers Cross GIG no problem for IC OK Phytobenthos : OK Invertebrates: OK Alpine GIG C-B GIG OK, except NL and BE- FL [cross-GIG] Med GIG OK Eastern Continental GIG OK Northern GIG [cross-GIG]OK Feasibility Check - Assessment Concept (M3)
Analysis completed in most GIGs Macrophytes CB GIG: Dutch and Flemish methods focus on growth forms, others do not --> obstacle for intercalibration Large rivers: invertebrates: species data in most MS, family data in ES --> obstacle for intercalibration Feasibility check - Assessment concept
Macrophytes Phytobentho s Macro- invertebrates FishLarge rivers Cross GIG 3162 samples from 12 MS 4559 sites from 24 MS ongoing Alpine GIG C-B GIG no details reported - expected OK Med GIG 481 samples from 7 MS 1200 samples from 6 MS in progress >1200 samples expected Eastern Continental GIG 404 samples from 6 MS 1280 samples from 6 MS (HU missing) 1662 samples from 6 MS (HU missing) Northern GIG Acidification Collection of IC data set (M2)
Macrophytes Phytobentho s Macro- invertebrates FishLarge rivers Cross GIG 3162 samples from 12 MS 4559 sites from 24 MS Invertebrates: 443 samples Diatoms: 169 samples Alpine GIG C-B GIG 1868 samples [cross-GIG] No new data Med GIG 481 samples 1200 samples from 6 MS 1330 samples Eastern Continental GIG 149 samples 1404 samples from 7 MS 1712 samples from 7 MS Northern GIG [cross-GIG]Acidification Collection of IC data set (M3)
Data collection progress generally good Large rivers: no pressure gradient within, only between countries Large rivers: data set still rather small, could improve if some MS would contribute Collection of IC data set
MacrophytesPhytobenthos Macro- invertebrates FishLarge rivers Cross GIG ongoing Completed Alpine GIG C-B GIG screening planned Med GIG not started (follow CB) ongoing almost finished Eastern Continental GIG screening planned future Northern GIG not yet Reference Conditions/Benchmarking (M2)
MacrophytesPhytobenthos Macro- invertebrates FishLarge rivers Cross GIG ongoing Completed Alternative benchmarking - need specific approach due to nature of the data set Alpine GIG C-B GIG ongoing[cross-GIG] checking problematic - lack of data Med GIG will follow CB/EC approach (?) ongoing almost finished Eastern Continental GIG ongoingStartedongoing Northern GIG [cross-GIG]limited info Reference Conditions/Benchmarking (M3)
Completed only in Fish some invertebrate GIGs Considerable progress since M2, but RC/benchmarking remains a very difficult issue -- mostly ‘yellow’ GIGs need to conclude on this to be able to finish intercalibration! A pragmatic solution is better than no solution - but needs to be explained. Reference Conditions / Benchmarking
MacrophytesPhytobenthos Macro- invertebrates FishLarge rivers Cross GIG Option 2 Options 2 and 3 tested. Propose to use Option 3 Phytobenthos : Option 3 Invertebrates: Option 2 (needs to be modified) Alpine GIG Option 2 C-B GIG Option 3[cross-GIG]Option 2 Med GIG to be decidedOption 2 Eastern Continental GIG Option 3 (?)Option 2 Northern GIG [cross-GIG] Option 3 (?) Intercalibration Options (M3)
River Phytobenthos/Invertebrate groups need to use Option 2 (differences in sampling/processing) Macrophytes, Fish: option 3 with common metrics possible (as recommended in Guidance) Large Rivers: specific adaptations may be needed due to the nature of the data set (MS data mostly limited to a specific part of the gradient) Intercalibration options
Macrophytes Phytobentho s Macro- invertebrates FishLarge rivers Cross GIG OK - ‘streamlined’ OK Alpine GIG C-B GIG in development Med GIG not started (follow CB) OK - same as in round 1 Eastern Continental GIG not started (follow CB) OK existing mICM tested Northern GIG in development Intercalibration Common Metrics (M2)
Macrophytes Phytobentho s Macro- invertebrates FishLarge rivers Cross GIG OK Invertebrates : need true common metric, in progress Diatoms: use pseudo- common metric Alpine GIG C-B GIG in progress[cross-GIG] Med GIG not started (follow CB) OK OK - same as in round 1 Eastern Continental GIG in progressOK existing mICM tested Northern GIG [cross-GIG] in development Intercalibration Common Metrics (M3)
Fish, Phytobenthos - common metric development successfully completed Macroinvertebrates - common metrics developed in Phase 1, are further tested and refined in some cases; situation acidifiation group unclear Macrophytes - work on real common metrics ongoing; can use pseudo-common metrics in any case Intercalibration Common Metrics
Macrophytes Phytobentho s Macro- invertebrates FishLarge rivers Cross GIG National Alpine GIG National C-B GIG National[cross-GIG]National Med GIG National Eastern Continental GIG National Northern GIG [cross-GIG]National Description of boundary setting (M3)
Boundary setting at national level, not at GIG level Reporting in many cases not very detailed (see complance checking) For final report a summary/analysis of the national approaches is needed Description of boundary setting
Boundary comparison and harmonisation (Guidance Annex V) Draft Annex V procedures tested with Fish, Macrophyte data sets Draft Annex V criteria slightly different from those applied in Round 1 (+/- 1/4 class width vs. +/ on EQR scale) testing with CB, ALP invertebrate show that results are OK (all MS still within harmonisation band) Need agreed Annex V to complete the work!
Expected Results - mostly ‘green’ (if RC/benchmarking problem is solved) MacrophytesPhytobenthos Macro- invertebrates Fish Alpine GIG n.a. C-B GIG [cross-GIG] Checking round 1 limited by data availability Med GIG Eastern Continental GIG Northern GIG [cross-GIG] Acid - limited info Gen.pr.: re- evaluation R1 needs to start
Expected Results - Large Rivers Large Rivers Phytobenthos Macroinvertebrates Macrophytes Fish Phytoplankton
River intercalibration - main problems Good progress - results expected from most BQEs Checking Round 1 results has started - NO GIG needs to catch up Lack of consistency in RC setting still a problem Large rivers: focus on 2 BQEs only Methods sensitive for HYMO pressures not sufficiently addressed