Nav B_4: Contours
Learning Intention: To enable you to understand and interpret contour lines on an OS map.
Success Criteria: By the end of this session everyone should be able to: Identify and state the purpose of contour lines on an OS map; Use contour lines to calculate the height of any given point. Some of you may be able to: Interpret the profile of a contoured feature and identify common geographical features from their contours/profiles.
Activities: 1.Presentation/Discussion: Hills of Braemar 2.Calculating Heights 3.Contour Interpretation
Contours – Key Points: Contour lines every 10m height change Bold contour line every 50m height change Closer together = steeper slope Farther apart = gentler slope Spot heights
Group Task: Calculating Heights Locate the features at the following Grid References and calculate their elevation above sea level to within 10m 1.Triangulation Pillar on summit of Ben MacDui (NN ) 2.Loch Mhairc (NN ) 3.Knoll (NN ) 4.Hut (NO ) 5.Monument (NO ) 6.Track End (NO ) 7.Head of burn (NO ) 8.Waterfall (NO )
Answers: m (!) 2.645m 3.550m 4.845m 5.330m 6.740m 7.535m 8.780m