Students’ Access to and Use of ICT
The Study To examine equity issues related to the use of ICT in education. Used PISA 2000 study Goals of education are to increase educational outcomes and equity in education.
Comparison of OECD Countries Computer at Home – Link to the Internet RUS
Percentage of Students with Computers at Home and a Link to the Internet
Educationally-related possessions of youth in Canada and in four selected countries (Percent of 15-year Olds). Programme of International Student Assessment _____________________________________________________________________ Possessions Canada Australia Finland Japan United States _____________________________________________________________________ Computer Link to the Internet Software Calculator Quiet Place to Study Own Desk Musical Instrument (percent Low SES) (8) (8) (12) (13) (14)
Relationship between Having a Computer at Home and a Link to the Internet with Sex and Family Background (Odds-Ratios). PISA, 2000 _______________________________________________________________________ PredictorComputerInternet Link _______________________________________________________________________ Sex (Female = 1) Parents’ Occupation Parents’ Education (years) Single Parent Other Parent Number of Siblings Immigrant
Socio-economic Gradients Associated with Having a Computer and Access to the Internet for Canadian Youth, by Sex Socioeconomic Status Percentage of Students Computer at Home Link to the Internet
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Children living in low socio-economic situations have less access to ICT The use of ICT in education is increasing Most students in Canada have a computer at home and many have access to the Internet Hypothesis of double jeopardy
Approaches to Improve Access Programs to provide low SES families with computers (Federal and Provincial) Internet provider discounts for students Internet connections through schools