What is Interviewing?
Interview Questions Write 3 interview questions each person Story is about a recent bomb threat (this is just an example and did not really happen) 1. Mr. Savage 2. School Nurse 3. Officer Pan
Interview Questions Create 5 questions for a student at OEHS They can be about anything – Choose one topic or theme for your questions and then create them
Interviews Check camera speed Check sound Use microphone – make sure it’s on One person camera; one person reporter and switch Ask the interviewee 5 questions
Tips for Good Stories Go directly to the source for an interview Don’t give them questions in advance – you want a natural sounding response; not something scripted If they have advance questions, they may not agree to answer them! Be an eyewitness – Get involved for first hand experience Do research Take a poll
Good Interviewer Does their homework Explains reason for needing the interview Flatters their source Plans – create questions in advance Listen and take notes; don’t interrupt. ACTIVELY listen so you don’t capture unwanted sound
Good Interviewee Knows what they’re talking about No jargon – use words everyone can understand Calm and confident Uses vivid examples Short and sweet – take away microphone if you have someone going on and on…
Good questions Start by asking person to say name and spell Give title/job description Sound bite is between 9 – 15 seconds Provide more than a yes or no answer Allow interviewee to expand Leads to more questions at times
Question Stems Describe how you felt when… What are the steps to… What is the process of… Why… What purpose… Inform me how…
to send to interviewee Subject: Interview for Broadcasting 1 Hi ______, In Broadcasting 1 I am working on a news story about _____ and am writing to get your perspective on _____. I would like to interview you for this story and am available during XX period this week and next. If there is a more convenient time, please let me know. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, – Your Name
Types of Interview Set ups 90 degree angle – Camera person stands behind reporter – Camera is over shoulder of reporter Parallel – Reporter stands next to camera person
Background Choose an interesting back drop. A White wall is not very interesting! Check for sound around you (Nat and Ambient sound). The commons is not the best place for an interview when students are eating lunch.
Photo Quality Frame the person properly Check camera settings to make sure person is clear, color is nice, and focused Link to camera settings: 0/pd150exposure.htm 0/pd150exposure.htm
Interview Set Up Subject should be more of their head and less of a profile Reporter stands to the left of the camera If interviewing more than one person, stand on other side for second interview Be at the same level as interviewee – If you stand, he/she should also stand – If you sit, he/she should sit
Correct Framing
Steps for taping interview Before interview – Check camera speed, sound, photo quality – Check microphone – Mic should be close to interviewee and if possible NOT in the shot During interview – Camera person begins recording and checks framing – Reporter asks for name – say and spell – Instruct subject– look at reporter not camera – Begin interview
Problems when mic doesn't work how close to get using camera mic going through camera operations stand ups in loud area person grabs mic raw interview practice - think of issue and find person. tape before package project. Focus on framing and mic practice. Edit later