EXPORTS EXport Processes in the Ocean from RemoTe Sensing EXPORTS Writing Team: Mike Behrenfeld (OSU), Claudia Benitez-Nelson (USoCar), Emmanuel Boss (UMaine), Mark Brzezinski (UCSB), Ken Buesseler (WHOI), Adrian Burd (UGA), Craig Carlson (UCSB), Eric D’Asaro (UW), Scott Doney (WHOI), Mary Jane Perry (UMaine), Dave Siegel (UCSB), Rachel Stanley (WHOI), Deb Steinberg (VIMS)
What is EXPORTS? A community-vetted science plan for a NASA field campaign Goal: Predict the export & fate of ocean NPP from satellite & other observations Final EXPORTS Science Plan is under consideration for implementation at NASA Hypothesis: Fate of ocean NPP is regulated by the state of the surface ecosystem
Why? Need to understand, quantify & predict how ecosystem processes transfer organic matter to depth
Migration Flux Pg C y -1 Sinking Flux Pg C y -1 Physical Transport Pg C y -1 Need to improve estimates of carbon export from the euphotic zone (4 to 13 Pg C y -1 )
Why? Need to quantify the attenuation of export below euphotic zone (the twilight zone)
Why Now? Advances in remote sensing (& PACE!!) & autonomous tools make it time!
EXPORTS: Three Science Questions How do upper ocean ecosystem characteristics determine the vertical transfer of organic matter from the well-lit surface ocean? What controls the efficiency of vertical transfer of organic matter below the well-lit surface ocean? How can the knowledge gained be used to reduce uncertainties in contemporary & future estimates of the export and fates of NPP?
EXPORTS: Focus on Pathways North Atlantic Bloom Northeast Pacific Summer Needed for building models & predicting present & future states of NPP export & fate Goal: Predict the export & fate of ocean NPP from satellite (& potentially other) observations
Station P North Atlantic Cruise 1: April/May 30/45d Cruise 2: Aug, 30d Leverage: OOI node, LineP Bloom: April/May 45 d Non-bloom: Aug, 30d Leverage: Internationals Will collect ~8 ecosystem / C cycling states Supplement by data mining existing results Lagrangian Ship Spatial Ship EXPORTS: Notional Implementation
Water-Following follow instrumented mixed layer float(s?) Particle-Following from production to trap Measure C cycling fluxes from 0 to 500 m (over 10 d) Long Term Presence Profiling Floats & Satellites BioARGO, PSD & export proxy Annual BGC budgeting O 2, NO 3, DOC, DIC, etc. Lagrangian Ship Measure rates & transformations Spatial Ship Submeso- & meso-scale surveys (5-200 km) Deploy short-term assets Optimize Spatial Sampling Gliders surveying (5-100 km) Bio-optical proxies Satellite sampling Ocean color & supporting info
NE Pac Oct [35 S] [30 L] May [35 S] [30 L] Jan [12] 6F3F = Process & Survey Cruises - includes multi depth trapping, rates, tow-yo SMS mapping, zooplankton tows, full bio-optics, etc data process/regroup 3F data process/ synthesis NE Atl Apr/May [50 S] [45 L] Aug [35 S] [30 L] Jan [10] = deploy autonomous assets = recover autonomous assets EXPORTS Starts Floats Gliders Process EXPORTS Ends 5 years Autonomous Assets Floats: 3 types (Bio-Argo; PSD; flux) Gliders: 2-Meso- & 2-Process-scale Process: ML float, TS traps Mar [12] Mar [10] Data mine Modeling
EXPORTS: Observables Ecosystem Structure: Community Characteristics
EXPORTS: Observables Ecosystem Function: Physiology, rates, processes
EXPORTS: Observables Multiple paths to export & its attenuation with depth
EXPORTS: Observables Water Column Characterization Ocean Optics: R rs ( ), E d (z, ), IOP’s, PSD, etc. Biogeochemistry: Nuts, DIC, DOC, POC, PIC, etc. Physical Oceanography: T, S, horizontal velocity, etc.
EXPORTS: Numerical Modeling
EXPORTS: Technical Readiness EXPORTS can answer its science questions with present technology Improvements that would be nice… Experimental Logistics: OSSE’s & tools for coordinating sampling, etc. Rapid Plankton Characterization: -omics, imaging, acoustics, cell sorting, etc. Sensors for Autonomous Platforms: Zooplankton abundance/composition, DIC, DOC, PSD, etc. Optical Instrumentation (aimed for PACE): Hyperspectral reflectance, UV IOP’s, etc.
EXPORTS Notional Budget: $53M, 5 years Investigators: 20 PI groups & equipment $27 million 52% Ships: NE Pacific (154 d) N Atlantic (180 d) $13.8 million 25% Autonomous Array: 6 × 4 floats 6 gliders (4 spares) 2 ML floats (1 spare) 9 traps (3 spares) $5.3 million 10% Other: Logistics, project/data man, etc. $5.8 million 12%
EXPORTS: Notional Budget Yes, this is a large request. BUT $53 million is in line with many NASA field campaigns & U.S. JGOFS process studies De-Re-scoping: Modularity of the EXPORTS science plan makes this easier & options will be proposed Partnering will be critical: Both the U.S. & international & will be explored once EXPORTS is approved
EXPORTS: Next Steps A Science Definition Team will be competed shortly to write the EXPORTS Experimental Plan If approved: Timeline has NASA AO’s in CY2016 with EXPORTS fieldwork starting in CY2017 Important: Every role in EXPORTS will be competed!! Final EXPORTS Science Plan has been submitted to NASA HQ and is available at:
Thank You for Your Attention!! Special thanx our colleagues who have provided 100’s of comments on the draft EXPORTS Science Plan