Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
General Info. Developer: Insomniac Games Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment Platform: Playstation 3 Genre: Platform Shooter Released: October 23, 2007 Price: $59.99 ESRB: E10+
Requirements Playstation 3 ~100MB HD space Dualshock 3 controller
Quick Overview You are placed in the main character's shoes and sometimes the sidekick's shoes you travel from planet to planet solving puzzles and destroying enemies big and small.
Story Line You are a Lombax with a robot sidekick. The “super hero” gets kidnapped and you are summoned to help him. Once you find the kidnapped hero you he tells you the evil emperor's plan. This leads you to search for the “ultimate weapon” in order to destroy the Cragmites. In your search you acquire more friends, find out the name of the ultimate weapon, the dimensionator, and finally defeat the emperor. After the emperor's defeat your sidekick is taken from you by the zonin, a mysterious creature from another dimension.
User Interface
Bugs Camera may be difficult to control Some glitches when it came to terrain (falling through) Sometimes blueprints/golden bolts would not be collected correctly
The Good Good plot Humorous weapons Re-playability Arenas
The Bad No multiplayer
Other Games Crash Bandicoot Strict platformer Jak and Daxter No ps3 game yet Platformer, shooter and racer Super Mario Galaxy Game of the Year
Audience Audience can vary from young teen up to adult looking for a laugh. The plot keeps you playing and the desire to upgrade weapons to the max.
Over All Worth purchasing? The game may not be completely worth the purchase though it could be worth at least a rental or a trade-in at your local gamestop/eb-games Improvements? Implement a multiplayer Fix minor glitches Better reward system for bolts